Peter O'Brien Koala... Taken to soon
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March 2018
I never thought I would fall in love with someone playing a video game who lives over 7000 miles away.
I knew I loved him before I met him, I loved him before I even saw him.
I was scared to tell him how I felt. But when I did, and he told me he felt the same way, I felt like I was dreaming.
He is wonderful, Genuine, Intelligent, Strong, handsome and So freaking funny. His laugh is contagious.
Staring in to his beautiful blue eyes makes my heart melt.
When I feel like my world is falling apart, he is ALWAYS there for me.
He has an amazing way of being able to turn my tears in to smiles.
He makes me feel so BEAUTIFUL. I feel so loved.
It hurts so much to love someone so much, and not be able to hold them in your arms or feel their heart beat.
I wish I can actually kiss him in person and not on my Ipad screen.
November 2019
Thanksgiving night I was at my familys house laying in the grass. Staring in the stars.... I saw a shooting star .... I wished that he would be here in my arms. In December We finally had a shed of hope.
We were able to come up with the money to buy a plane ticket.
Our nerves were unbarring, our hearts were exploding, the anticipation was intense.
Counting down the days to finally meet......
The morning before he left to catch the train to the airport I woke up at 3am to tell him bye and I love him..... He was staring at me. I said What?! He said "God you are so beautiful!" I said "OMG I just woke up....." He said "well, if you are that beautiful when you wake up, I can wait to wake up next to you for the rest of my life."
The day he was to get on his flight to start our lives was crushing.
We found out he could not board because we did not book him a "return ticket"
This was devastating. We felt like it was a nightmare.
It has been hard not to cry, nearly impossible honestly
January 2020
My Sweet Peter O'Brien did finally arrive, Our lives were nearly perfect. Sure there were the downs of the car breaking down on the side of the road, Losing our sweet babies Midget and Loki, Forced to move, COVID and of course the struggles of him being here not yet being a citizen....
We always laughed, We never argued, We were best friends, We were going to be together forever
I loved to pick on him. His lil tiny hamster hands, how he had to take in a deep breath before he farted, how he talks funny... heee hee BahNahNahs (Bananas). I could never make anything as good as Grandma... except Chili dogs...... only because Grandma doesnt make Chili dogs. :P
Once he made Stove top stuffing, it asked for a cup of water.... he added a full glass of water, and wondered why it camed out so badly. Ill never stop picking on him for that.
He laughed at me too, face palmed at the silly things I say.
He loved our cats SO much, They Loved him too.... a little too much.
My sweet Koala got a job he absolutly loved in July of 2021, He was the hardest worker I have ever know. He never called out, always went in when they needed him, He cared so much about the patrons and his coworkers and gave it his all.
November 2022
His job closed for the night everyone was leaving....Peter was walkimg in front of the building, He was jumped on him and was punched reapeatedly in the chest and face. Peter kept asking him why are you doing this? The guy thought he hit him first. Peter NEVER hit him back.
He was hard to look at, His eye was red, face was bruised he could barley open his mouth, and his foot was painful. We had to go to the ER his foot was broken. We had to go back a couple times to have it resplinted. We could not afford to go to a specialist. We both cried and just didnt know what we were going to do. I told him as long as we have each other we can get through anything. I told him I am just SO grateful he is ok.
December 1st
Thursday evening I was helping him with a bath. He was very sweaty. I though that was very odd. He NEVER gets sweaty. I asked him if he is ok? He told me "yes, lets just get this over with." I helped with bath and helped him to bed and get warm. He complained of his chest hurting. I asked him if I could call an ambulance. He did not want me to because it would "cost too much" I cried and told him it does not matter, but he assured me he is fine.
We assumed he may have the flu.
Luckily a really good friend's husband is a foot Dr, So we planned to go see him on Friday
Friday AM when we were getting ready to go to the foot Dr he was again complainig his chest was tight. He told me he thinks its just from him crawling around and over doing it.
He got a cast, which was great! But I asked him for pink, He chose blue :P
When we got home Friday evening I went to sleep right away. I was just very stressed. I woke up to Peter groaning, He also had diarrhea and vomiting. I was trying to help him but he was still having diarrhea. I told him I will help him shower when he is done. Then He started breathing heavy, He asked me to grab my inhaler. I gave it to him. He was sweating badly. I asked him should I call the paramedics? He told me no at first ...... But I told him I am going to. The fire dept came out. Peter was having a hard time getting up from the ground. They asked him to get in to the wheelchair. They wheeled him in the living room. He was breathing hard. They attempted to check his vitals, but he was VERY cold. His blood pressure was 115/75 WHICH IS VERY LOW for him!!!!! they kept telling him he is just having a panic attack and needs to work on his breathing. They left. I helped Peter back to bed and covered him with heated blanket. Gave him water and asked him to relax. The next few days Peter was trying to relax. He had a bad cough, didnt really eat anything.
December 6th
Tuesday morning we were relaxing hanging with the kitties laughing, everything seemed fine. He got up for a cigarette, I was chatting on the phone with my mom. I heard him groaning. I asked him what is wrong? He said its happening again. I told my mom I had to go. I went in the bathroom. Again he was sweating badly. He told me he is having another panic attack. I wiped the sweat from his forehead, brushed his hair back I told him your going to be ok... then he said ya im going to be ok. I just have to work on my breathing. I walked away to grab my laptop, Then I heard him groan again. I ran back around the corner. He was on the bathroom floor. He was making gurgly noises. I yelled KOALA! I started shaking his shoulder and patting his back. I screamed koala! he was unresponsive. I attempted to call 911. My phone could not get signal right away... I got through- I could barely speak. She had me do chest compressions. He was gasping and turning blue. I thought I heard the EMTs coming, I ran outside but they went right by. I ran back in and was trying to continue chest compressions. They did finally arrive, they checked his pulse and had none...... they tried to revive him for 45 minutes but could not.
I was told they did everything they could do.... I ran back in and layed with him as long as I could crying and begging him to come back and telling him how much I need him. Kissing him for the last time.
I am beyond grateful to find out that his family will allow me to keep him and handle the arrangements
Since he was the only one working I am behind on bills and rent. I also have no money to take care of my sweet koala. I hate hate doing this but I am at lost of what to do. Please if you can help... you will help him me and his beloved kitties <3
I will never be loved as much as he loved me
Jewel Files
Tacoma, WA