Peter's Terminal Cancer Family Fund
Donation protected
Peter, father of six, diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer needs financial assistance for medical expenses in beating cancer and to support his family during this difficult time.

Peter was born in a large Christian family, to Vladimir Stepanovich and Nina Petrovna Yastrebov. The father of the family, a minister of the church, was repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned for his loyalty and faithfulness to God. The children also suffered: at schools, they were continually humiliated, threatened with physical violence, and were told to renounce their faith in God. Nevertheless, Peter continued to grow in his faith and continued to love God with all of his heart.
At 18 years old, he was arrested for the first time for his participation in the Christian ministry and teachings. Afterwards, the mandatory draft in the ranks of the Soviet army was accompanied by further persecution including threats of arrest and depravation of life. Through all of the persecution, God had only strengthened Peter to serve God for the rest of Peter’s life.
When Peter left his parents’ house, he dedicated himself to the printing and distribution of Holy Bibles, even though it was illegal at that time in USSR. This difficult ministry was done under the constant risk of arrest or execution, which had a negative effect on Peter’s health. In 1992, Peter became the Pastor of Sunday School Ministries in the Dergachi (Ukraine) church. In 1995, God has sent him Elena, a faithful spouse and blessed them with 6 children. The zealous laborer, Peter, in 1997 was elected by the church to Pastoral service. During this leadership there, the church worked to spread the Gospel in jails and prisons, nursing homes, orphanages, and organized annual Summer and Winter camps for children.
Peter and Elena’s family are faced with sorrow. Peter has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer. Peter has already undergone a brain surgery in an attempt to remove part of one of the three tumors that are currently growing in his brain. The recovery from surgery has been challenging. Peter is fatigued, and his vision has been disturbed: he can only see the outlines and contours of objects. He can no longer walk independently as he lost coordination and stability; his wife and older children have to hold him up to walk. His current health condition is incompatible with work. His doctors are offering radiation and chemotherapy to slow down the growth of tumors. Elena has been taking care of her beloved Peter 24 hours a day, as well as taking care of their youngest, 2 year old, daughter.
Peter and Elena have 6 children, Oleg, Yaroslav, Lina, Christina, Lesya, and Eva, five of which still reside with Peter and depend on him for financial support. Eva is only going to be two years old. Peter has been the sole breadwinner for the family, and it’s hard to imagine how the family will survive without Peter.
The children pray and ask God to heal their daddy, and to make him well. Peter and Elena are praying for God’s mercy and fulfillment of God’s will for them. The family needs your prayers so that God will help them go through the trials, and save and provide for their children.
Please remember their family in your daily prayers. Bless them financially for their medical expenses and the necessary living expenses.
Each of your gifts, no matter how big or small, will be a great blessing for their family, and a testimony for their children that God cares for them through you. May God Bless you and lead your children and grandchildren for His Glory. May the Lord reward your generosity and willingness to help those in need, a hundredfold.
Петр родился в большой христианской семье Владимира Степановича и Нины Петровны Ястребовых. Отца семейства, служителя церкви, неоднократно сажали в тюрьму за верность Богу. Вместе с родителями страдали и дети:в школе детей их унижали, угрожали, заставляя отречься от веры в Бога. Но Петр полюбил Господа всей душой.
В 18 лет за участие в богослужении его арестовали первый раз. Обязательная служба в рядах Советской армии сопровождалась угрозами ареста и лишения жизни. Но Бог еще более укрепил Петра в желании служить Ему до конца жизни. Петр, оставив родительский дом, посвятил себя для труда в нелегальной печати Библий. Этот нелегкий труд был сопряжен с риском лишения свободы и отразился на здоровье Петра. В 1992 году Петр стал ответственным за воскресную школу церкви г Дергачи. В 1995 году Бог послал в его жизнь верную спутницу Елену и подарил им шестерых детей. Ревностный труженник, Петр в 1997 году был избран Церковью на пасторское служение. При его непосредственном участии проводилось благовестие в зонах, домах престарелых, интернатах. Он организовывает ежегодные летние и зимние детские лагеря.
Сейчас в семью Петра и Лены пришло испытание. У Пети обнаружен рак головного мозга 4 степени. Петру сделали операцию в головном мозге, удалили часть опухоли. Восстановление проходит тяжело. Петр быстро утомляется, зрение нарушено , он видит только контуры.Самостоятельно ходить не может, произошло нарушение устойчивости и координации, его водят под руку старшие дети и жена. Врачи предлагают лучевую и химиотерапии для заторможения опухоли. Его состояние здоровья не совместимо с работой. Жена круглосуточно помогает Петру и заботится о двухлетней дочурке.
Дети молятся и просят у Бога исцеления для своего папочки.
А Петр и Лена молятся о милости и исполнении Божьей воли для них.
Семья нуждается в ваших молитвах, чтоб Бог помог им пройти через испытания, сохранил их детишек.
Вспоминайте их семью в молитвах и благословите их на медицинские расходы и необходимые прожиточные расходы.
Самая маленькая Ваша помощь, будет огромным благословением для их семьи, и свидетельством для их детей , что Бог о них заботится через вас.
Да благословит вас Бог и сохранит ваших детей и внуков для Славы Своей. Пусть Господь воздаст вам во сто крат.
Харьковская обл
Город Дергачи
Переулок Квитучий, дом 36.
( Социалистический)
+380 (66) 953 86 81 Лена (жена)

Peter was born in a large Christian family, to Vladimir Stepanovich and Nina Petrovna Yastrebov. The father of the family, a minister of the church, was repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned for his loyalty and faithfulness to God. The children also suffered: at schools, they were continually humiliated, threatened with physical violence, and were told to renounce their faith in God. Nevertheless, Peter continued to grow in his faith and continued to love God with all of his heart.
At 18 years old, he was arrested for the first time for his participation in the Christian ministry and teachings. Afterwards, the mandatory draft in the ranks of the Soviet army was accompanied by further persecution including threats of arrest and depravation of life. Through all of the persecution, God had only strengthened Peter to serve God for the rest of Peter’s life.
When Peter left his parents’ house, he dedicated himself to the printing and distribution of Holy Bibles, even though it was illegal at that time in USSR. This difficult ministry was done under the constant risk of arrest or execution, which had a negative effect on Peter’s health. In 1992, Peter became the Pastor of Sunday School Ministries in the Dergachi (Ukraine) church. In 1995, God has sent him Elena, a faithful spouse and blessed them with 6 children. The zealous laborer, Peter, in 1997 was elected by the church to Pastoral service. During this leadership there, the church worked to spread the Gospel in jails and prisons, nursing homes, orphanages, and organized annual Summer and Winter camps for children.
Peter and Elena’s family are faced with sorrow. Peter has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer. Peter has already undergone a brain surgery in an attempt to remove part of one of the three tumors that are currently growing in his brain. The recovery from surgery has been challenging. Peter is fatigued, and his vision has been disturbed: he can only see the outlines and contours of objects. He can no longer walk independently as he lost coordination and stability; his wife and older children have to hold him up to walk. His current health condition is incompatible with work. His doctors are offering radiation and chemotherapy to slow down the growth of tumors. Elena has been taking care of her beloved Peter 24 hours a day, as well as taking care of their youngest, 2 year old, daughter.
Peter and Elena have 6 children, Oleg, Yaroslav, Lina, Christina, Lesya, and Eva, five of which still reside with Peter and depend on him for financial support. Eva is only going to be two years old. Peter has been the sole breadwinner for the family, and it’s hard to imagine how the family will survive without Peter.
The children pray and ask God to heal their daddy, and to make him well. Peter and Elena are praying for God’s mercy and fulfillment of God’s will for them. The family needs your prayers so that God will help them go through the trials, and save and provide for their children.
Please remember their family in your daily prayers. Bless them financially for their medical expenses and the necessary living expenses.
Each of your gifts, no matter how big or small, will be a great blessing for their family, and a testimony for their children that God cares for them through you. May God Bless you and lead your children and grandchildren for His Glory. May the Lord reward your generosity and willingness to help those in need, a hundredfold.
Петр родился в большой христианской семье Владимира Степановича и Нины Петровны Ястребовых. Отца семейства, служителя церкви, неоднократно сажали в тюрьму за верность Богу. Вместе с родителями страдали и дети:в школе детей их унижали, угрожали, заставляя отречься от веры в Бога. Но Петр полюбил Господа всей душой.
В 18 лет за участие в богослужении его арестовали первый раз. Обязательная служба в рядах Советской армии сопровождалась угрозами ареста и лишения жизни. Но Бог еще более укрепил Петра в желании служить Ему до конца жизни. Петр, оставив родительский дом, посвятил себя для труда в нелегальной печати Библий. Этот нелегкий труд был сопряжен с риском лишения свободы и отразился на здоровье Петра. В 1992 году Петр стал ответственным за воскресную школу церкви г Дергачи. В 1995 году Бог послал в его жизнь верную спутницу Елену и подарил им шестерых детей. Ревностный труженник, Петр в 1997 году был избран Церковью на пасторское служение. При его непосредственном участии проводилось благовестие в зонах, домах престарелых, интернатах. Он организовывает ежегодные летние и зимние детские лагеря.
Сейчас в семью Петра и Лены пришло испытание. У Пети обнаружен рак головного мозга 4 степени. Петру сделали операцию в головном мозге, удалили часть опухоли. Восстановление проходит тяжело. Петр быстро утомляется, зрение нарушено , он видит только контуры.Самостоятельно ходить не может, произошло нарушение устойчивости и координации, его водят под руку старшие дети и жена. Врачи предлагают лучевую и химиотерапии для заторможения опухоли. Его состояние здоровья не совместимо с работой. Жена круглосуточно помогает Петру и заботится о двухлетней дочурке.
Дети молятся и просят у Бога исцеления для своего папочки.
А Петр и Лена молятся о милости и исполнении Божьей воли для них.
Семья нуждается в ваших молитвах, чтоб Бог помог им пройти через испытания, сохранил их детишек.
Вспоминайте их семью в молитвах и благословите их на медицинские расходы и необходимые прожиточные расходы.
Самая маленькая Ваша помощь, будет огромным благословением для их семьи, и свидетельством для их детей , что Бог о них заботится через вас.
Да благословит вас Бог и сохранит ваших детей и внуков для Славы Своей. Пусть Господь воздаст вам во сто крат.
Харьковская обл
Город Дергачи
Переулок Квитучий, дом 36.
( Социалистический)
+380 (66) 953 86 81 Лена (жена)
олег ястребов
Jacksonville, FL