Phap Nguyen Temple Disaster Relief
Tax deductible

Hurricane Harvey has affected so many people. Amitabha Buddha looks out upon the suffering with eyes of compassion. Phap Nguyen Temple in Pearland, TX, has been damaged by the flood waters. The temple is home to Ven. Thich Tri Hoang, an esteemed and much-loved senior Buddhist monk and teacher. His students and friends have set up this page to raise funds to support the temple's recovery from this devastating event. All funds raised will go directly to the temple.
"And what is the treasure of generosity? There is the case of a disciple of the noble ones, his awareness cleansed of the stain of stinginess, living at home, freely generous, openhanded, delighting in being magnanimous, responsive to requests, delighting in the distribution of alms. This is called the treasure of generosity." (Anguttara Nikaya, 7.6)
This page has been established by Jennifer Wheeler (Sister Phap Chan), a student and friend of Thay Tri Hoang. I live in Gilbert, SC. Two years ago, my hometown of Columbia, SC, was inundated by record rainfall, so I am aware of the long and arduous work and the great amounts of money needed to recover from such terrible flooding.
Phap Chan
Pearland, TX
Phap Nguyen Buddhist Congregation