Affordable Living Initiative
Tax deductible
Nede Resorts and Transitions Community Organization was created with the goal to help people learn how to grow food, live sustainably, and learn skills to help them become productive citizens. Our intention is to create a relaxing environment where participants can enjoy nature as they embark on their journey in learning different sustainable methods.
With our new acquisition of 2 acres of land in Georgia, we would appreciate any donations to assist with preparing the land to facilitate our aquaponics/hydroponics greenhouse & honey farm.
Donations will assist Nede Resorts and Transitions Community Organization with purchasing equipment and supplies, installing needed utilities (septic, well, solar electricity, etc.), building infrastructures, clearing the land, implementing educational programs for individuals and maintaining the infrastructure of the natural habitats that are already in place (lake and creeks). We appreciate all donations that assist us with helping participants feel more empowered to be sustainable.
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Nede Resorts & Transitions Community Organization Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to me.
More information about Nede Resorts & Transitions Community Organization Inc go to the NRATCO Official Website
Other ways to support:
Instagram or Facebook- When post a status select Nede Resorts and Transitions Community Organization or click the donate button
Buy a Shirt, Reserve some Dirt- Teespring or STinc Incorporated (*this merchandise is specifically made for Nede Donors all proceeds will go towards the building of Phase 1)
What you will be donating to: Projected Project Vitals
The NRATCO: Shelter and Education Center is a transitional facility established for the purpose of providing assistance to the homeless, victims of substance abuse, domestic violence victims, military veterans, and previously incarcerated individuals to be reintegrated back into society!
Intended Use of Land Acquired:
- Trade Specific Education Private School (Alternative Energy, Agriculture, Sustainability, Solar Power)
- Health and Wellness
- Safe Shelter
- Outreach
- Alternative Energy Source
- Apartment Style - Modern Micro Dwelling Spaces
- Outdoor Fitness and Learning Spaces
- Aquaponics/Hydroponic Gardens and Streams
- Honey Farm- https://nratco.org/bee-farm-program
- Various Orchards
- Rain Collection
- Reverse Osmosis Facility
More Ways to Contribute:
Host Your Own Fundraiser on Facebook
Host Your Own Fundraiser on Instagram
Nede Resorts & Transitions Community Organization Inc