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Philadelphia Food Service Relief Fund

Spende geschützt

As many of you know food service works all over the country have taken a really hard hit due to the Coronavirus aka COVID 19.

Anyone looking to apply to this fund for help with services can apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHpvIjfT19x_DYZQ07imRqda7cZCE0XmTS7wEveUVzuZiacQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

The Google Doc will ask for information about yourself and  how much money you need and what payment option works for you. The choices are Venmo, Paypal or CashApp. 

A week before bills are due on the 1st, I will be pulling out money and distributing it to folks who have applied but if anyone is in a bind and needs the money now, please don’t hesitate to ask and I will gladly send money ASAP!

Philadelphia: The city of brotherly love and the city I live is severely being affected. I am seeing not only myself but so many others being affected by this! 

There has been a dramatic drop in folks attending restaurants and other food service establishments.

Some places have closed for the time being and many catering companies have seen numerous cancellations which is putting people in a really tough place. 

This fund is being established for servers, hosts, bartenders, cooks, floor staff, etc with help to buy groceries, pay rent/bills and just getting by in  the wake of this emergency situation. 

I want to make sure everyone being hit by this is able to stay afloat! Please continue to share this and keep it circulation around social media and if you can donate literally any dollar amount helps and is super appreciated. Thank you.


In dieser Kampagne werden Spenden über eine andere Plattform erwähnt, bitte beachte jedoch, dass nur Spenden über GoFundMe durch die GoFundMe-Spendengarantie geschützt sind.



  • Artemis Morrow
    • $20
    • 5 yrs


Kacey Wilson
Philadelphia, PA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt