My Son Philando Castile®️ was Tragically Murdered by A Peace Officer in Falcon Heights Mn on July 6,2016, 10 days before his 33rd birthday .On That Horrific Day We Lost A Beautiful , Loving,caring,Generous Soul, The aftermath Of His Murder was Live Streamed Over Facebook by His Then Girlfriend and Her young adorable Baby Girl!!! I can't Imagine how Afraid they were and To See A young man Helpless, Strapped in His seat belt, Shot at 7 times, 5 bullets penetrating his frail frame!! And with His LAST Dying Breath SAYING ' I WASN'T REACHING ' One tear fell from His Eye !!God Called his Angel Home, Saying You've Done your Job!!Philando®️ Was known As Mr. Phil by the Thousands of Children who he Came to Love, Cherish and To feed them their Daily nutrition for over 12 years. Phil knew Each of the children by name and their Allergies. If a Child didn't have Money for The Lunch ,he would Pay for it Out of his OWN Pocket, he helped The disabled children Off and On the bus. Philando®️ was a Friend and Mentor To his students, He Never Took The Summer intermission over the course of his employment. Philando®️ was Dedicated To his Position and The Love for the children he even took A cab to work when his car broke down. He understood The importance of The Children to have A Nourishing meal so That they could be more attentive. Caring for The Children was Philando's®️ Calling By God. We are one Of The Richest Countries on The Planet and Our Children Should not Be Homeless or Hungry. The Philando Castile®️ Relief Foundation has Helped Several Families that have Loss a Loved one To Gun Violence and Have helped Pay The Negative Lunch Balances for St.Paul District Schools and The Minneapolis Culinary School District as Well!
Even though we loss a Great man we want to continue his Generosity & love for Life because that's what he would of wanted even in Death his Light will Shine! ! PLEASE find it in your hearts to continue his Mission And Legacy as Philando Castile ®️ Feeds The Children and To Help Families of Gun Violence. We will Continue To Commemorate His Life and Legacy during His Proclamation of Restoration Day July 6th and Unity Day July 7th Issued by Falcon Heights Mn. on May 23, 2018. Philando Has Started Community Conversation Across This Nation To Address Issues that for Years Have Been Avoided. Through Conversations and Community Actions Changing Of The Narrative has Begun.
Love & peace to All ❤☥