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Help a family from the Philippines

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First off, I want to thank everyone for taking a look at our go fund me page. We welcome all donations, nothing is ever too small, a dollar can go a long way.

A few months ago, I had been in contact through Facebook of a relative of ours from the Philippines. Her name is Amor Martinez. She is 14 years old and lives with her mom, dad and 3 younger siblings. I later found out that one of her brothers passed away from polio. Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease. It is caused by the poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can invade an infected person’s brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis. Polio seems to be virtually unheard of in North America due to their sophisticated medical system.

A few months ago, we started chatting on Facebook messenger and I got to know her better. Amor wants to be a high school teacher one day. Her dad is the only one working, and he collects bottles for a living. Her mom takes care of her two younger siblings full time, as they both have polio and are permanently disabled.

Amor has told me how difficult life has been for her family. Recently, one of her brothers was rushed to the emergency. Her mother had to stay in the hospital and her father wasn't able to work. As a result, they have been lacking the basic necessity of life, food. A few times, Amor wasn't able to go to school as she didn't have anything to eat.

Just a few days ago, her brother passed away.

I wondered if there is a way for the family to be self-sufficient. I've asked Amor if there's a business that her family could start, and she suggested that her mom open a sari-sari store (convenience store), and her dad could be a tricycle driver. She searched around and found out that a second hand tricycle including the license and membership would cost approximately 130,000 pesos and a small convenience store would cost approximately 30,000 pesos. The total would be approximately $4,500 Canadian dollars. These two opportunities would be a  valuable investment, and I believe that it would lessen their financial stress, burden and worries, thus helping them to be self sufficient.

Please consider a financial donation to support this family's needs.

Je contribue


  • Anonyme
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
  • Grace & Paul Ramos
    • $100 (Don hors ligne)
    • 8 yrs
  • Gyan Krishna
    • $200 (Don hors ligne)
    • 8 yrs
Je contribue


Consorcia Balintona Krishna
Langley, BC

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