Production costs of the mock'umentary podcast, PHILLIPA PO
After the International award-winning success of our Theatre for the Ears digital series (in particular the episode, STARMAN, written also by Pippa Mackie), the Vancouver based company Sound the Alarm Music Theatre is developing a mock'umentary audio episodic series for the podcasting world called PHILLIPA PO: Mind Changer.
But we need your help to make it a full reality. (more on that below).
PHILLIPA PO: Mindchanger
An Episodic Fictional Mock'umentary Podcast created by Pippa Mackie and Ryan Gladstone
STYLE: A dead serious delivery from Philippa. Think Cunk on Earth meets FUBAR.
PREMISE: The hallmark of the human mind is that it can change. So why is it so hard to change someone’s mind? This is the question our lead character Philippa Po, a 37-year-old from Nanaimo, sets out to answer. In this mockumentary series, Philippa finds unsuspecting targets and sets about trying to understand their point of view and then uses any tactic she can to change their beliefs. Having never gone to journalism school, her methods are questionable, barbaric, and sometimes… totally illegal. Will she succeed in her quest, or will her mind be changed?
GENRE: Undercover investigative journalism mock'umentary.
SERIES: beginning with 4 to 5 episodes. Intended to grow into seasons.
SEASON 1: 20-25 minutes each
1: Olives are (not) disgusting.
2: Incel(ibate) for the win.
Pilot Episode (Episode 2, full production value)
3: To Heaven or to Void - that is the question.
4: Just cancel Oil - it's simple!
5: Baths are disgusting.
LEAD CHARACTER: Philippa Po (she/her; 37 years old). Originally from Nanaimo, BC, Philippa Po is the daughter of two average Canadian parents. Spending her childhood reading Nancy Drew, Chicken Soup for the Soul and the Encyclopedia Britannica, Philippa dreamed of a life full of meaning. She travelled for years hoping to stumble upon purpose, inspiration and perhaps even love. But after ten years away from her beloved Nanaimo she was none the wiser and decided to return home to live in her parents basement. What she found upon her return shocked her; rigid, immutable minds that were resistant to change. Why? What would it take to change someone’s mind, she asked herself.
Philippa is diving into the deep end and going undercover to create her hard-hitting new podcast - Mindchanger. Risking her journalistic integrity to actually get answers from folks with unpopular beliefs.
ALARM: Disintegration of healthy discourse. Narcissistic voices dominating our media.
Sound the Alarm: Music/Theatre (STA ) is a Vancouver based arts charity that explores the theatre of music and sound while helping to sound alarms and generate conversation around social concerns, through its programming.
After its international award-winning success of Theatre for the Ears, a series of fictional audio-dramas and related conversations, STA is developing a new episodic fictional comedy audio series, Phillipa Po, intended to comment on the fragmentation of healthy discourse, and the ever growing presence of narcissistic voices dominating our media.
We strongly believe that our audio fiction creations are some of the highest in quality on the market - highest in original content, in writing, in performance, in audio engineering, and in sound design.
As we are still somewhat new to the scene, we are needing your support to not only have more people listen to this new pilot episode (please share), but to help fund the production costs for the next 3 - 4 episodes we already have ready to go straight into production.
With a fiction series, as opposed to weekly conversational series', the production elements are much more costly and design heavy. We have actors, designer's, a director, sound designers, sound editors, and of course our playwright's.
STA has already commissioned the finished scripts for the the first four episodes of the series, and have invested in the creation of this pilot episode as a proof of concept.
With that, we are hoping you might help us the rest of the way!
Each episode costs around $15K in artist, design, director, playwright and editing fee's... so we are starting with an initial ask for the same amount to produce, at least, our second episode.
Having said that, if you are so inclined to help us get to the end goal of $60K, that would allow us fulfill this first season, provide employment to a group of great artists, and get it out into the world.
We believe this series will generate a large audience, but we want to ensure it is done right, created with integrity, and with the highest of quality.
Any contribution helps.
Thank you for your support, and if you have read all the way to hear, then you might as well go that extra step... right?
With anticipated excitement,
The Phillipa Po Team
Alan Corbishley
Vancouver, BC
Sound the Alarm: Music/Theatre Society