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Arts & Education at Photo Kathmandu

Don protégé
Nepali students in public schools - which account for over two thirds of the overall student population - receive no arts education. Even in private schools, arts education remains woefully neglected. As a result most Nepali students are deprived of literacy in one of the most potent forms of self expression.

We at Photo Kathmandu  seek to help narrow this gap. We believe that photography is a powerful tool to tell stories, discuss important social issues, and inspire people. The upcoming edition of the festival is an exciting opportunity for the Nepali public, especially young people, to learn about and reflect on our own society and the world.

In preparation for the festival, we have invested a large amount of time and energy into our educational activities for schools and colleges, and are putting together an enthusiastic team of young educators to lead our Arts and Education program.

We need and are asking for your support to help make this program a big success, especially for students from government schools who will need support to attend the festival and its programs designed for them!

Photo Kathmandu is an international photography festival that endeavors to create conversations between the city, its public, its past, and its dreams and aspirations. This year, the festival will focus on gender, patriarchy, power, sexuality, and identity, and create engagement around these themes.

Your support will help us

- develop curricula and teaching/learning material
- visit classrooms to introduce students to the exhibitions before they visit the exhibitions
- bring students and teachers to visit the exhibitions and take them on interactive guided tours
- go back into classrooms to work with students to debrief and reflect on what they learned
- workshop with teachers to introduce them to arts education and out-of-class learning methods

How the funds will be used:

Arts & Education Coordinators (two coordinators' salary, for 3 months): €2,400.00
Arts & Education Assistants (salaries for team of six dynamic youngsters, 3 months): €3,240.00
Developing of Education Materials (researching, running around, design): €200.00
Learning Kit Production (that's the printing): €1,000.00
Training Venue Rental (a really nice and accessible spot, for teacher trainings, and art workshops): €1,000.00
Transport costs for gvt schools (1 transport is about 30€, we hope to bring at least 20 busses of students): €600.00
Art Workshops Materials (art supplies of all sorts, stationary, in large quantities): €1,600.00

Grand Total
: €10,040.00

More photos of the 2016 edition's Arts & Education Programme.

Read our blog post about the Arts & Education Programme - Stepping Out of the Classroom 

If you rather  !
Kindly contact us on 9841750949 for cash donations in Nepal.

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Coorganisateurs (7)

Tho Mas
Nayantara Gurung Kakshapati
Niranjan Kunwar
Nishant Shilpakar
Sharareh Bajracharya

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