Phyllis Partin's medical expenses
Well here we are, 2 and a half years into this wild ride of mom's, and we've once again come to a huge bump in the road. In March of this year, mom was no longer able to work. And of course because of that she lost her insurance. They say she has to be 65 before she can get on Medicare. We have searched and searched for any kind of insurance that will cover her, with no luck. After being told she was once again cancer free just less than 2 months ago, her cancer markers are back up and once again has to do another round of chemo. Here's the shocker, they now want $600 up front for every treatment they do, once a week, before they will even do the chemo. My poor mother said they made her feel like she isn't even a human being, the way they treat you when they just want more and more of your money. She doesn't deserve any of this. I am not the type to ask for help, I am the guy that will figure it out, and will make it work. Well, I can't figure this out, and I can't make it work. It's taking every thing I have to once again ask for any help whatsoever, especially after everyone was so generous just less than 2 years ago. But anything and everything would be appreciated more than any of you could ever know.
My mom is the toughest lady I have ever met.. and she is fighting this battle, she just needs a little help...
Thank you all
For those of you that don't know, my mom Phyllis has had an extremely rough past 6 months. It all started with just going in for a simple knee replacement, which turned into finding a cancerous lesion. She was scheduled for surgery right away to have it removed. During this surgery, mistakes were made, and a week after we brought her home we rushed her back to the hospital. She had a bowel injury and had gone septic. After having a 4 hour emergency surgery performed, she spent a week in the icu, and 3 additional weeks in the hospital. After finally getting to go home and start to recover from all of this, it hits her that now she has to go through chemotherapy. She is currently on her 5th of 6 rounds of chemo, and it is really taking its toll. She is not able to work and has had to take a leave of absence to get through all of this. As if this isn't enough, when she is finally through with chemo, she will have to undergo one more major surgery. As you can imagine, the medical bills have very quickly started to pile up, and things have become very tight.
My parents are proud people that I have very rarely, if ever, seen ask for help. But If you know my mom personally, you know she is the kindest, most caring, and giving lady you could ever meet.
My family and myself would be forever grateful for any and every bit of help.