A Piano for Dirk Caber
You may be familiar with my fiancé Dirk Caber's music. A professional composer, music editor, orchestra librarian, pianist, tubist, and singer, Dirk has devoted his entire life to the arts. I've never seen him happier or more focused than when he is listening to music, performing it, or talking about it with others... or especially when he's creating new compositions of his own. (You can listen to some of his works on his SoundCloud page.)
It's very difficult for Dirk to write music without a piano. He uses one to experiment with melodies and structures, whether he's writing for piano alone or for more complex symphonies. Sadly, he hasn't had access to one since he moved in with me in Boston two years ago, and as a result, his creativity has suffered mightily.
When I listen to some of the pieces he composed back in his twenties and thirties, I often laugh out loud at their delightful playfulness or cry at their sublime beauty. That was in the past, though. Without a piano, he hasn't composed much of late, and I fear that he's started to lose faith in himself, his abilities, and his incredible gift for music. That's why I'm turning to you, our friends and fans, to help afford to buy Dirk a piano so that we bring his beautiful music back into the world!
Dirk and I live in an apartment and have neighbors to be considerate of, so an acoustic piano is out of the question. We've been looking into buying a digital piano (which can be used with headphones), but the ones that are worthy of his talents, called hybrids, are quite expensive. The ideal model retails for $15,000! There are a few models that are available for less, but they still cost thousands of dollars.
Here's where you can help! I never ask you guys for much, but I see a piano as an absolutely vital investment in Dirk's future as a successful composer, so I'm asking you to please make a donation to help us buy one. (Don't worry, you'll get something in return... see below.) I've set the initial goal for this campaign at $5,000. If we can reach or even surpass that, awesome! If not, Dirk and I will find some way to finance the rest.
Dirk is offering a variety of gifts in return for your help. There are autographed CDs of his music, bound and signed scores, framed pages of his handwritten manuscripts... and for a donation of $500, he'll even compose and record a brand new piece of piano music written especially for YOU!
Thank you so much for your help with this fundraising campaign! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on my Facebook page (or Dirk on his). Together, we can all provide my amazing man with the piano he needs to bring music back into his life and into the world!
With love as always,
Jesse "Jackman" B.