Pineview Park Zamboni
We are trying to pay for a Zamboni to help maintain the public skating rink at Pineview Park. The Pineview ice has been made and maintained by a crew of volunteers for 44 years and counting. A zamboni will help the "ice makers" provide more and better ice and will make ice maintenance much quicker and easier.....so more and better skating for the public.
Glacier Ice Rink just replaced one of their Zambonis. There was a brief opportunity to purchase the old one. Several of the ice makers and local ice-users jumped on the chance (and it needed to be jumped on, there were several buyers from the region lined up) and secured the Zam for Pineview. Now is the chance for you to do your part. The first $6000 raised will go directly to the good citizens who put up the money. The rest will go to maintain and repair the Zam for the first year. Any leftover funds will be given to the non-profit Friends of Missoula Parks.