Pinewood Teacher&Staff Appreciation Week
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Our Pinewood team is dedicated to giving our children the best education and experience possible and we are excited to be able to recognize and show our appreciation to this wonderful team!
Pinewood PTO has planned recognition events for the week of May 6-10th!
Monday: Massage day!! 15min massages for teachers and staff
Tuesday: Recess Relief
Wednesday: Bagels and coffee breakfast.
Thursday: Fan Mail Delivery to all staff
Friday: ALL staff catered meal provided during their lunch period
Pinewood's Parent Teacher Organization is committed to encouraging involvement of all parents, family, teachers, and staff. Together we teach, we learn, we grow.
If you would like to get more involved in PTO please reach out, we are always excited to have more involvement and parent/family support throughout the year!
Co-Presidents: Amanda Peterson & Lindsey Wilkinson
Pinewood Community School PTO