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Pizza for the Newsroom

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Campaign mission update, Feb. 24, 2017

Because of the overwhelming response, we've expanded our list of recipients to include more newsrooms, wire services and other news outlets. We raised $7,800 in two days from 450 donors.

Here's the list of recipients, recommended by campaign donors.

New York Times (NYC newsroom and Washington bureau)
Washington Post
Associated Press, Washington bureau
The Guardian, Washington bureau
Los Angeles Times Washington bureau
Reuters, Washington bureau
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Boston Globe
Dallas Morning News
CNN Washington bureau
The Hill
The Nation
The New Yorker
Teen Vogue
Mother Jones
The David Pakman Show
The Intercept
The Young Turks
New York Amsterdam News
Staten Island Live

Original campaign mission statement.

The newsrooms of The New York Times and The Washington Post have produced extraordinary work during the first weeks of the Trump administration.

I bet they're tired.  And hungry.

As a retired newsperson, I've been looking for ways to support my sisters and brothers in journalism. With your donations, we'll arrange for pizza (or something gluten-free) to be delivered to the newsrooms of The New York Times and The Washington Post.

This is only a start. Donate now and let's see how far we can go to honor our working journalists.

My goal is to show the Post and the Times that I appreciate what they've been doing the last few weeks, because they're performing a historic service for all of us. They are not the only hard-working, courageous journalists in the country. Thousands work every day under extremely difficult circumstances, at small-town weeklies and big-city dailies. There are awards and paychecks and recognition, but many times those forms of compensation fail to match the level of dedication and sacrifice that goes into the work. The arc of print journalism in the last 20 years makes bigger heroes every day of those who carry on. Today, though, I'm feeling especially indebted to the newsrooms of the Post and the Times. I think it would be a significant, personal gesture to reach out to them with the corny, cozy newsroom tradition of sending pizza to the newsroom. It's a ritual we can share with others who want to salute them. My hope is that this impulsive project (an idea that came to me in the shower) will grow. PIZZA FOR EVERY NEWSROOM, because nothing says thank-you like a slice of pepperoni. They deserve our thanks.


  • Anne Sherman
    • $10
    • 8 yrs


Kevin S. Austin
Saint Simons, GA

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