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Rest in peace Ian Clarke

Spende geschützt
*** update, a huge massive thankyou to everyone’s generosity at this heartbreaking time, as a family we cannot find the words to express our appreciation for this, we’ve hit the target and have found huge comfort in how much Ian was well loved & known, we have added funeral details & will be leaving the go fund me open for another few days - again from the bottom of our hearts thankyou thankyou thankyou to each and everyone of you! ***

we are sadly trying to receive funds to support our family who recently had the devastating news of their sudden loss of a loving devoted Dad,Son,brother & uncle Ian was fit and healthy and loved by so many, he was always cheerful and positive about life. Ian has sadly left behind his beautiful daughter who will now have to try and navigate through life without her daddy. This has come as a huge shock to everyone in the family there was no signs of anything being wrong and sadly one morning he never woke up, we are now trying to raise funds to support his family & make his last journey earth side the best that they can so to try help a little we are raising funds to give him the send of he deserves, All donations would be hugely appreciated at this heartbreaking time. Forever38!

rest in peace Ian.️.

thankyou for reading and supporting this cause.


  • michelle jones
    • £10 
    • 3 d
  • Nikki Jackson
    • £50 
    • 6 d
  • Amy Shelton
    • £120 
    • 6 d
  • Chantelle Newton
    • £20 
    • 7 d
  • Natasha Shipley
    • £20 
    • 10 d

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jade Rook
Susan Clarke

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt