Penelope (PJ)'s medical expenses.
Donation protected
We, as parents, know that feeling when we hold our precious babies in our arms for the first time. The overwhelming, unconditional love we have for them. We hope and pray nothing bad ever happens to them. Now, imagine your sweet baby being sick. You take them in to the doctor to find out what's wrong. Then, there it is, the worst news of your life. "We think your child has lukemia." This happened to sweet, beautiful 18 month old Penelope Jewel (PJ). If she has lukemia, PJ will need a series of treatmeants for the next 6 months - 2years. These treatments will include but are not limited to: going to the hosptial for PJ to receive treatment for the first little bit. Then, she'll need treatments once a month and 3 weeks in the hospital and one week home, moving forward. PJ's parents, November and Drew will need help with travel expenses as the hospital is about two hours away, and medical bills. Any donations are greatly appreciated and are extremely helpful as well as prayers are always appreciated. Thank you for your continued outpour of love, prayers, and support.
Organizer and beneficiary
Dan Sager Jr.
Twin Falls, ID
November Jones