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Pe data de 6/28/2019 Ana Podean a trecut la Domnul prin un tragic accident de masina . Ana facea facultate in Timisoara impreuna cu alte surori a ei si ca si in multe alte dati , si de data aceasta isi ajuta familia punand treburile ei de-oparte si mergand sa fie alaturi de tatal ei conducand una dintre cele doua masini cu care ea sI tatal ei transportau cartofi , ca apoi sa-i vanda la piata pentru a intretine familia numeroasa de acum doar 12 copiii fara Ana .Am cunoscut personal pe Ana si familia ei cind anul acesta in cursul lunii martie impreuna cu sotul am vizitat aceasta familie si ne-am bucurat impreuna .Ana a implinit varsta de 21 de ani cu o zi inainte de accident , Ana era o tanara foarte credincioasa si foarte harnica cu un caracter deosebit . Aceasta familie a suferit o mare pierdere . Famila aceasta lucreaza mult pentru Domnul ajutand chiar si pe Saracii din tara cu cartofii , hadeti sa simtim si noi cu ei si sa le fim alaturi pe partea financiara ,suportand toate cheltuieliile pentru inmormantare si alte nevoi cu care se confrunta in aceste momente deosebit de grele. Domnul sa binecuvanteze pe toti cei ce vor fi alaturi de aceasta familie si sa rasplateasca orice sacrificiu . Strangere de fonduri organizată de Fam Lechinteanu împreună cu Asociatia Miros De Cer (Pastor Cristi Boariu, Prezbiter Alin Nemes, Diacon Stelica Strugariu) -
Daca se va strange suma necesara , impreuna cu associatia “ miros-de-cer” s-a hotarat sa se cumpere un microbuz familiei Podean pentru a se putea continua activitatea in sustinerea financiara a familiei in domeniu in care s-a lucrat pana in prezent , deoarece microbuzul care a fost implicat in accident nu poate fi recuperat. Va multumim pentru Suport si va rugam sa trimiteti acest mesaj tuturor persoanelor cunoscute si Domnul sa va binecuvinteze .
The organizers of this campaign are not requesting any tips , and for all of you that want to avoid tipping , please select 0 amount on the little arrow next to the tip amount . All the donations made , will surve the purpose for which this campaign was created for and that is to help the Podean family , if anyone has questions or concerns about this campaign, you can address them to Cristi Boariu at
On june 28/2019 at around 7am , Ana Podean , which turned 21 yrs old a day before the tragedy , went to be with the Lord through a tragic accident . She was driving and helping her father transporting potatoes to sell them , when a car was coming from an upcoming traffic and ran into her ,killing her instantly! Ana was very close to the Lord she had the nicest personality, always smiling and a very hard worker , she was one of the 13 children in the family . Her family had a huge loss and are going through an indescribable pain . Let’s help them in this very difficult time , by covering all their funeral expenses and some other needs they might have . May the Lord bless and reward everyone that blesses this family !
note :
The family’s vehicle that was involved in the accident was totaled and irrecuperable. If we are able to reach our goal , we have decided to buy a new van for Podeanu’s family so that they may be able to continue working and supporting their entire family ,may God bless you all for the support ! Pls share with your loved ones ! Thank you
Daca se va strange suma necesara , impreuna cu associatia “ miros-de-cer” s-a hotarat sa se cumpere un microbuz familiei Podean pentru a se putea continua activitatea in sustinerea financiara a familiei in domeniu in care s-a lucrat pana in prezent , deoarece microbuzul care a fost implicat in accident nu poate fi recuperat. Va multumim pentru Suport si va rugam sa trimiteti acest mesaj tuturor persoanelor cunoscute si Domnul sa va binecuvinteze .
The organizers of this campaign are not requesting any tips , and for all of you that want to avoid tipping , please select 0 amount on the little arrow next to the tip amount . All the donations made , will surve the purpose for which this campaign was created for and that is to help the Podean family , if anyone has questions or concerns about this campaign, you can address them to Cristi Boariu at
On june 28/2019 at around 7am , Ana Podean , which turned 21 yrs old a day before the tragedy , went to be with the Lord through a tragic accident . She was driving and helping her father transporting potatoes to sell them , when a car was coming from an upcoming traffic and ran into her ,killing her instantly! Ana was very close to the Lord she had the nicest personality, always smiling and a very hard worker , she was one of the 13 children in the family . Her family had a huge loss and are going through an indescribable pain . Let’s help them in this very difficult time , by covering all their funeral expenses and some other needs they might have . May the Lord bless and reward everyone that blesses this family !
note :
The family’s vehicle that was involved in the accident was totaled and irrecuperable. If we are able to reach our goal , we have decided to buy a new van for Podeanu’s family so that they may be able to continue working and supporting their entire family ,may God bless you all for the support ! Pls share with your loved ones ! Thank you
Laura Lechinteanu
Portland, OR