Plant a tree for Dave Dunphy
Tax deductible
Help us honor a humble man who gave the last days of his life serving others without expecting anything in return.
Dave Dunphy began volunteering in Walla Walla at Habitat for Humanity despite battling health issues three years ago. During that time, he helped oversee the construction of two homes that two families in the Walla Walla Valley would not have if it wasn't for him.
Dave was a practical, humble, and funny man who always raised the difficult questions during Habitat's operation committee meetings. He would go the extra mile to help with the building process -- all the way until the end of his life.
The Walla Walla chapter of Tri-County Partners Habitat for Humanity will not be the same without Dave.
He didn't want much ado about his passing, true to his demeanor. Yet members of the operations committee felt it was not honoring to Dave to let him pass without allowing the Walla Walla Valley to honor him in some way. His friend and co-volunteer John Jensen has been working with the City of Walla Walla to find a place to plant a memorial tree in Dave's honor. The city has recommended a Japanese maple that would be planted in Pioneer Park and may be accompanied by a memorial plaque.
The Dunphy family has already agreed to pay some of the cost, but we need a small amount to finish paying for the plaque, the tree, and for planting on city property. All we need is $600.
Please consider donating $5 or more to help us honor this man who spent his final years of retirement and the final years of his life by doing the most good.
Thank you.
Dave Dunphy began volunteering in Walla Walla at Habitat for Humanity despite battling health issues three years ago. During that time, he helped oversee the construction of two homes that two families in the Walla Walla Valley would not have if it wasn't for him.
Dave was a practical, humble, and funny man who always raised the difficult questions during Habitat's operation committee meetings. He would go the extra mile to help with the building process -- all the way until the end of his life.
The Walla Walla chapter of Tri-County Partners Habitat for Humanity will not be the same without Dave.
He didn't want much ado about his passing, true to his demeanor. Yet members of the operations committee felt it was not honoring to Dave to let him pass without allowing the Walla Walla Valley to honor him in some way. His friend and co-volunteer John Jensen has been working with the City of Walla Walla to find a place to plant a memorial tree in Dave's honor. The city has recommended a Japanese maple that would be planted in Pioneer Park and may be accompanied by a memorial plaque.
The Dunphy family has already agreed to pay some of the cost, but we need a small amount to finish paying for the plaque, the tree, and for planting on city property. All we need is $600.
Please consider donating $5 or more to help us honor this man who spent his final years of retirement and the final years of his life by doing the most good.
Thank you.
Jedidiah William Maynes
Walla Walla, WA
Habitat for Humanity Tri-County Partners