Donation protected
Planting Corals is a win-win-win situation. It adds bio diversity; it creates habitat for fun fish; it lessens the force of impact from ocean waves and storm surges. It is a Pay-Your-Own-Way-Volunteer-Only-Position. I’d like to raise enough funds to buy snacks for folks who volunteered that day, and for myself for food gas and expenses.
I am 48 years old and have been scuba diving since 1999. I have dove some in South Florida, especially the certification dives at Pennycamp. I did both my regular certification and my advanced certification as an elective class through the University of Florida. Easily my best class selections..
Today, there is a new category of certification I am going towards:
Eco Diver!
Eco Divers essentially map out reefs and take biometric capturing devices to monitor the health of the reef ecosystem.
I imagine they may also interact with new coral pods being planted in the ocean.
Next up! Connecting with the coral planters & coral farmers of FL!!
Jo nathan Aware Wolf
Pompano Beach, FL