Plastic to Fuel - Together we Will Heal Earth!
Donation protected
SAMPR - Shaftless Auger Microwave Pyrolysis Reactor
With your contribution, no matter how small or how large, YOU are being apart of changing the world and making history!
Hi, my name is Julian Brown
I am a social media influencer
I am a certified welder and Innovator of Microwave Pyrolysis, the process of turning plastic into fuel with microwaves
Plastic is made of petroleum/ crude oil, and thus, this is very energy dense and has the same components as the fuels we use in this world
My reactor turns plastic into:
Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosense, Natural Gas, and Solid Carbon
My unique, patent pending design allows me to scale up Microwave Pyrolysis, a greener and more efficent way of exracting the fuel out of plastic.
I have built 4 home scale prototypes, my latest being very successful
However it unfortunately burned down after an electrical fire.
The goal is next to build an industrial prototype of the Shaftless Auger Microwave Pyrolysis Reactor
The material cost of the machine will be $300,000
How I will use the funds:
Buy the Materials
Construct the Reactor
Buy Warehouse Space
Compensate Staff Expense
Compensate My Living Expenses
Marketing Expenses
After receiving the funds, I will buy a warehouse, and get started with part order, and construction ASAP
The goal is to complete consturction before the end of 2023, and the whole process will be documented, recorded, and shared with the world
With your contribution, no matter how small or how large, YOU are being apart of changing the world and making history!

Julian Brown
Douglasville, GA