Please Consider Helping These Ukrainian Girls
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This is VolK from Vovkulaka. We've started this Go Fund Me for Naya G and JuleS. Simply, both girls are struggling. The war in Ukraine, forcing them to leave their country, has left them in hardship. Now, they are refugees. I have found work in Romania. This fundraiser is for them. Please read their stories and consider donating. Thank You.
I am a Ukrainian girl and I want to tell you my story. I struggle a lot right now but I have hope for the future,I believe in it,in myself and in the Ukrainian military!
24 Feb was just another ordinary day, no
big plans or changes. But everything changed in a blink of an eye,my perfect life turned upside down in just one second, at 5.15am. I lived my biggest nightmare! I was peacefully sleeping in my cozy,warm bed when a couple of loud noises woke me up,I lived not far from the Odessa Airport,so the first thought was that something happened there. Unfortunately, the cruel realization of the reality came very quickly,when explosions repeated again and again at the airport. This was the most terrible morning in my life,which I will remember till the end of my days. Despite all rumors about the war, I wasn’t ready,I didn’t prepare documents or a bug out bag beforehand.
But let’s go back to my childhood and the mystery of where I did get the fear of war. As a child,I grew up mainly with my great grandmother, who not only survived WW2, but also managed to raise 2 sons at that awful time. This is my great grandma,who told me about all horrors of war,who described to me how German soldiers acted and that she had no food and almost starved to death.
I left my house early in the morning on the 24th of February and never came back. With the women from my family we went to a bomb shelter and spent there 2 days. I was able to stay in my native Odessa, Ukraine only for 2 days. But it wasn’t life,it was existence...no understanding of what to do,how to act,where to go...I couldn’t eat,drink or sleep,the only thing I was capable of - crying,shaking and asking the only one question “why”. I lost a lot of weight and started to faint and exactly at that moment the realization hit me - I have to do something. I took only my backpack with documents,some tins,a torch,a charger and 1 warm sweater and drove to the Moldova border. On my way, I saw a rocket in the sky. All the way till the border I was praying. I spent 3 weeks in Moldova. There were a lot of refugees and many citizens started to rumor that the war could also come to their country. Because I didn’t feel safe there,I needed to go further.
I went to a safe house in Greece,which was offered to me by a complete stranger,who wanted to support and help me. But after spending some time in that small village,with no shops (only 1 kiosk with bread and vegetables), with no people and only 1 bus which was 20 minutes walk from the village,I saw no future for me and I needed a job to earn money. I was so lost,again I couldn’t sleep as I had to figure out what to do next and where to move. It took me 4 days,I came across an article about Odessa’s sister city Marseille in France,I have never been here before,but I read that people are very hospitable and helpful and I decided to give it a chance. It didn’t take me long to pack,buy tickets and jump on a plane.
Marseille is the first place where I felt safe,where I could sleep peacefully. The city looks like Odessa,the sea,the port,the architecture...everything is great here except one thing - communicating. The French language is very difficult,I’m trying to learn it but I need time,unfortunately I don’t have this time as I have to find a job...I have been to many places and they all say the same - you must speak fluid French, learn the language and then come to us. The most crucial thing right now is to find a job as I’m running out of money. I’m struggling with life here,everything is quite expensive but I’m a hardworking person,I just need time to learn the language and I’m sure I will be able to find a good,interesting,well paid job. I beg everyone who is reading this - help me and my family to get this time in a foreign country and let me learn the language and pay the bills and food etc.Finally. I want to get back on my feet and back to my band.
Naya G
To people who read this, first of all, I wish you never feel and experience, what all Ukrainians go through now.
It was impossible to imagine, that in 2022, in Europe there can be a real war. One country attacked another, which is literally 30 times smaller by size, 3 times less population and not armored at all.
Coming to my story, as most of Ukrainians I woke up 24.02.2022 early in the morning because my bed was shaking from a shock wave. I didn’t understand what was going on. I looked out of the window and just above my house I saw a big yellow and orange explosion(later I saw many of them on videos from all over Ukraine) and heard a terrible sound. A few minutes later again and again… I opened the news and read “the war began”.
I can’t hold my tears, while writing this text, my hands are shaking but the world has to know the truth.
A few minutes later my brother called me and asked if I was alright. No one from my family could believe that the war really began. He told me to take a car, my dog, documents and come to his house, to stay together (at least maybe it was safer). I did as he said and when I got into the car one more explosion was in the sky right above me. In constant fear, I spent a few more weeks in Odessa. After that I went to my relatives in the Odessa region, close to the Romanian border. I spent some time there but decided to move on, because staying in Ukraine for a while seemed futile.
To be on the safe side, in an attempt to survive, my brother sent me and his wife to Romania, to a small city next to Constanta. It was a calm place where I could bring myself to peace. But there was no work, and I spent all my saved money just for simple needs. I have a dog and I was running out of money. I needed to find where to work.
After a while thinking where to go, I decided to go to Turkey. There are a lot of Ukrainians, volunteers, who came here many years ago and they help refugees who ran from the war. I found some friends here who give me work, but it’s not enough. I have to learn the language to work normally. I didn’t want to go far from Ukraine because I dream that the war will finish soon, so I can return....I can return to my band and my life in Odessa.
Before the war I was reading a book “Anne Frank’s diary” and that terrible story, which I could imagine just in a nightmare is happening now to many Ukrainians who fight for freedom to survive. I hope we will win this war and this nightmare will end.
Glory To Ukraine...
Glory To The Heroes!
Oleksandr Zapishnyi
Marseille, B8