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In Loving Memories for Nancy Lee

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Dear Family and Friends,

We are devastated to share this news with all of you. Our beloved daughter and sister, Nancy Lee, recently passed on 5/23/2024. Nancy had been battling cancer for over a year. She was very strong and brave person who fought this battle very hard until the very end. Nancy was only 27 years of age when she passed.

Born in California in 1997, Nancy was born into a family of many sisters and brothers. Nancy was the youngest child in a family of 7 siblings. She grew up in California before moving to Minnesota within the last 20 years. Nancy was a wonderful daughter, sister, aunt, and friend who touched the lives of many around her. She was a joyful person who was always positive and full of happiness and laughter. Before her diagnosis and treatment, Nancy had been working towards finishing college for her degree in psychology and becoming a psychiatrist.

We are organizing this fundraiser to help cover her final funeral expenses. Any contribution, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated. We are grateful for those who’ve reached out with their kind words and keeping us in their prayers. Thank you for your support and we will always remember your generosity and donations to our family during this difficult time.

Warm Regards,

The Lee Family

Nancy, we love you and miss you so much. You will forever be in our hearts and thoughts.


  • Mai Muaj Xiong
    • $200 
    • 9 d
  • L V
    • $100 
    • 10 d
  • Kady Moua
    • $50 
    • 19 d
  • Khoua Xiong
    • $20 
    • 20 d
  • Pa Yang
    • $50 
    • 21 d


Chee Lee
Minneapolis, MN

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt