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Please Donate To Save Meatball

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Hi, this is Gabe and Kaliah Hicks, and we're starting this fundraiser to help with an urgent need for our dog Meatball

Meatball is the sweetest pit bull rescue, who is currently suffering from an unknown condition that is causing low blood counts, fatigue, and nausea. He has no control of defecating and hasongoing vertigo/nausea which has caused a loss of appetite. He’s already been through several exams, only to be told they have to start with a blood transfusion to stabilize him. Blood is very expensive and this procedure is around $4000-$7000 on the high end.

Up to this point, the process to find care for Meatball has been brought with challenges. Kaliah and I have tried to find a local vet to look at Meatball, but no one in the immediate area can help until June 7th.

Unfortunately, all the tests were inconclusive, and unable to afford $4000 blood transfusion we just have to manage his symptoms and hope for the best.

They hope the transfusion will allow them to schedule a CT scan and possibly find out what’s causing the decline in Meatballs health.

Since we don't know what the issue is yet, it's hard to determine how much this all will cost. So far, we have spent about $1000 just for the emergency vet visits and the medicine to manage his symptoms. The transfusion and follow-up CT scan will add another $4000 - $7000.

We would appreciate anything you feel so inclined to give, so we can help our family provide the best care for our sweet Meatball.

Thank you!


  • Yvette Chapman
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $150 (Offline)
    • 2 yrs
  • Kaitlyn Theriot
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Samuel Krueger
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Alma Hinojosa
    • $30
    • 2 yrs


Gabriel Hicks
Atlanta, GA

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