Please help a family who lost their daughter
On the morning on July 16th she woke to a mothers' worst nightmare. Courtne woke up to find her baby Paxton had passed away in her sleep. Unfortunately this is now their reality. They will never see that sweet smile again or hear her little giggle. This mama will never be able to kiss her baby again.
Courtne shared her experience on facebook
"For those who have been wondering what happened to my family:
Yesterday was the worst day of my entire life, it still doesnt seem real, it still feels like this is just a terrible nightmare.
Wednesday we had a lovely day playing in the sun, making mud pies, cleaning the house while dancing to the music, and resuscitating baby birds who had fallen from the nest. If I had known that day would be the last to spend with my princess, I would have done far less cleaning and way more absorbing every grin and beautiful smile my sweet girl cheesed at me. She went to bed clean, fed, and sun kissed and barely a half hour before bedtime. So I had assumed my girl was exhausted and ready to sleep when she put herself to bed that night.
This particular night I chose to let her sleep, than wake her up for her special hand shake and to tell her I loved her and goodnight. It is a deep regret that I did not kiss my baby goodnight that night, and I'm here to tell you to ALWAYS kiss your baby goodnight. Dont ever let a moment pass by without showing how you feel and saying what you mean because if their comes a time you don't you will regret it.
Thursday morning we rose with the sun, and had big plans for the day to go to grandmas and play in the pool, and ride their power wheels in the sun. We had big plans and so many more memories to make, but instead it marked the worse day of my life on this Earth. It shattered and broke my entire family and friends. I woke up to Paxton gone. I don't want to go into the details but it was apparent that she had been gone for some time. I am feeling regret and guilt for not kissing my baby that night because what if I had and I was able to save her? The guilt that I am still here, and my sweet 3.5 year old baby doesn't get to take another breath on this planet is astronomical. We are all so broken and completely shattered at this tragedy and are begging for some answers. Why her? Why not me? Why me? Why why why?
There isnt a single good thing that comes from the passing of an innocent child. I am forever going to be empty and missing a part of me. I will have to live with this fucked up pain and go about my life to make sure my other four babies have better fate. I was talking to a friend earlier and thats what she said. This is so scary because you literally have every factor to grow and raise healthy babies, you do everything right and for these kids, and you did everything you could, but you are lacking luck in this case.
The worlds light dulled a whole lot without Paxton on this planet. She was kind, spunky, fearless and so free. She could light up any room with her beautiful cheesy smile and her eyes had a twinkle in them that was undeniable and never went unseen. Sutton lost her twin sister, her best friend, the ying to her yang, the peanut butter to her jelly, literally lost her other half. My heart sinks when she asks me when her sissy is coming home, and why shes been gone so long.
We are absolutely beside ourselves. The outpouring of love from all and their kind gestures have been overwhelming. Don't apologize to us for your behavior or not being able to provide more help. We don't even know what we need or think ourselves, we don't expect you to know either. Just know your presence in our lives is recognized and much appreciated. This is a fucked up path that our journey has been taken on, and we have been robbed of many many years of memories with our sweet baby p, P-Nutty, Paxatoni, Lil P, our fire cracker. We are so empty inside and clueless on how to move forward. We do plan on having a service of some kind for our princess but with the pandemic we are not sure the extent or ability of being able to plan such an event but it will happen in the near future.
This is the shit you see on TV, not something you ever think will happen to you, nothing you prepare for, nothing you even to think about. Don't take your kids for granted, and when you are feeling like they are being a little extra on somedays, please remember to hold them a little longer and a little tighter and appreciate the time you have with them because you never know when its going to be your last moment.
Rest in Paradise my sweet angel
Until we meet again
Paxton Ulyanna Marleigh Austrus
Money being raised will be used for housing, food bills and funeral expenses. The last thing this family should do is worry about money while they grieve the loss of their child.