Please help an ICKSP seminarian from England!
Dear friends,
My name is Charles Morris. I am twenty-two years old and I am about to begin my studies for the priesthood at the seminary of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, a Society of Apostolic Life. You can learn more about our missionary institute and its charism by clicking here.
(Our community at Preston - I am on the right at the end.)
Before coming to the Institute I studied History and Ancient History for three years at the University of Exeter. It was during this time that I found the Catholic faith and received the grace of entering the Church. Having discovered the Latin Mass I began to discern a vocation to the priesthood and found the Institute of Christ the King.
Over the last year I have been discerning my vocation within the ICKSP at the house of discernment in Preston, following a daily routine of prayer, work and study. This last year of discernment has been a great blessing and thanks be to God I have been accepted to begin my first year of seminary at Gricigliano, Italy.
Here are a few photos of me from the last year:
All the priests of the Institute are trained at the Seminary of St Philip Neri at Gricigliano, where the formation takes seven years. During this time seminarians receive a thorough intellectual and human preparation to serve God and His Church as priests, but most importantly we seek to draw close to and become like Jesus Christ through a deep life of prayer.
Here you can see what a normal day at Gricigliano looks like:
To help cover the many costs of our formation, the seminarians are asked to pay a fee of €750 (about £640) each month. This covers our tuition and accommodation at seminary, but does not include the costs of our personal necessities, such as clothing, books and transport.
Unfortunately I am not able to cover this cost on my own, and so I am appealing to you for your generous help. Although no vocations will be turned away because they can't afford the tuition, we are all nevertheless reliant on your generosity in order for the seminary to be able to continue to provide us with a good priestly formation and to carry on the work of training new priests for the salvation of souls for the years to come. I will be deeply grateful for whatever support you can afford to offer!
Please note that all donations here will go directly to the Institute of Christ the King for the paying of my seminary fees.
Be assured of my prayers for you and may God bless and reward you!
2020 Ordinations Week at Gricigliano: