Please help Arielle relocate to the United States
Hello, my name is Arielle and I'm an adoptee who has no family or ties in the country that I am currently located in. I'm fundraising to fund my goal of getting my unwanted adoption legally overturned and also relocating to The United States of America for a much better life.
Currently I am stuck in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia with little prospect of being able to leave due to the economic situation of this country and state being totally destroyed by constant lockdown. Also, I am dealing with extreme loneliness and separation from all of my nearest and dearest as I have no family or close friends at all in Australia as I've only been in this country 5 years and came here alone.
Also by moving to America, I am with my nearest and dearest as well as being near all my support base throughout the US and Canada as well as the likelihood of bettering myself with brand collaborations between my YouTube channel and many American companies affiliated with food manufacture, production and marketing, apparel, footwear, jewelry, beauty and much more.
I will be forever grateful to those who help me in this vital (to me) fundraiser. Thanks for reading, God Bless and happiness to y'all!