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Please help mum Carla beat life threatening Cancer

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This is our girl Carla, a beautiful young 38 year old woman, a daughter, a sister, a friend and most importantly a mother to two gorgeous girls aged 12 and 7 years old.  The past year has been tough for a lot of people and none more so than Carla who is fighting aggressive metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Now Carla has faced many tough times throughout her life but this is surely her toughest.  We, her family and friends, have set up this page to help raise funds to support Carla in whatever way it can, we desperately require money to explore alternative treatments not provided by the NHS and also to provide some financial support for Carla and her girls, to ease the burden and worry of income so she can focus on maintaining her health whilst supporting her girls.

Carla’s Story

On 1st April 2020 Carla was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, she soon underwent surgery  and had an intense course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy which she completed by October 2020.  Carla remained strong and positive throughout her treatment; although it was a surreal and challenging time, she was filled with gratitude her cancer was found early and her treatment hadn’t been affected by the pandemic. True to her nature, in a bid to help others she shared her story publicly to make people aware of the importance of checking your breasts and how early detection of the disease is crucial for survival. Although we knew it had to be a tough time for Carla, she never complained, she looked forward to better times, she counted her blessings and even studied throughout her time at home to build on her qualifications …onwards and upwards is a motto that suits her to a tee.

We thought Carla was over the worst of her illness but unfortunately, in January 2021 Carla found out her cancer had spread to other organs and areas of her body, she has been told her cancer cannot be cured but treated and managed. The fact that it has metastasised so quickly since her intense surgery and chemo treatment indicates just how aggressive her cancer is; however there is hope as there are many other alternative treatments available but they come at a very high cost. We would love to raise enough money as quickly as possible so Carla can access whatever treatments she requires to help fight this awful disease and also provide financial support for her daughters as she is unable to earn an income. 

One thing about this lady is she is a fighter, she has a zest for life, she has a will and determination to fight this disease so she can raise her beautiful girls; she is certainly one of the strongest most courageous people that we know and we want to do our best to help her fight this illness.

So we ask if you could please make a donation, however small, it will be very much appreciated and if you feel you cannot help financially then please share Carla’s story to highlight the importance of checking yourself, early detection of this disease could save your life.

Thank You

Mitorganisatoren (3)

Siobhan McNally
Northern Ireland
Carla McVeigh
Fiona Mcnally
Richard McConnell

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