Please help save my Beautiful Donna.
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Hello my Pierre Wagner and I started this go fund me for My Beautiful Sick Donna. I adopted Donna in 2015 after seeing her on the euthanasia list. It was love at first sight, I went and started fostering her the next day. I became an foster failure and adopted Donna. She will be with me until death due us apart.
Recently, I came home from work and seen Donna bumping into walls, walking in circles, blind, and very stiff. I took her to her vet and he looked at her and told me to take right to the emergency room. I took her Veterinarian Emergency Group. They did a full work and thought she may have a brain tumor. She was admitted overnight and the plan was to transfer to an Neurologist. No Neurologist was able to take her as a transfer. I picked her up the next day and was discharged to follow up with an neurologist. I was also given medications Keppra 750 tid, gabapentin 300 mg bid, and prednisone 30 mg bid.
Donna started to get better until I took her off prednisone, because her vet said it would hurt if she stayedon it to long. Her symptoms return and I put her back on it. She got better, until her Neurologist at the University of Florida Small Animal Hospital instructed me to lower her dose to 10 mg once a day. Her Neurologist Stated she has anemia of an unknown cause. He stated we cannot due an MRI until she is ween down on the Prednisone because it will shrink a tumor and may not be seen on an MRI. Donna urgently needs to be seen by an Internal Medicine Specialist to find out why body is attacking herself. A brain. tumor cannot be diagnosed without an MRi. She needs an MRI which is very costly. I have spent over 5500 dollars this month. We still don't have clear cause to Donna declined health.
I'm trying to do everything to save her. Please share, donate, or pray for Donna. Thank you in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .
Pierre Wagner
Tampa, FL