Please help Fadil and Ajsa Memisevic
Donation protected
I am looking to help out my aunt and uncle that have been found a day later after being beaten and tortured by a masked robber in their home town of Visegrad, Bosnia and Hercegovina. The robber has stolen all the money they have saved for themselves and tortured them in their own home. They are older and they had no way of defending themselves and had no contact with anyone until they were found the following day. I really want to help them out with the rough time they will have to face by losing everything and dealing with medical bills. This occurred the first night of Ramadan which is one of the most sacred months in our religion and which is suppose to be the start to a beautiful month ended in horror for them. Anybody that can help with anything I would and I know they would endlessly appreciate.
“Stravičan slučaj potresao je povratnčku populaciju u Višegradu kada je otkriveno da su stari bračni par Fadil i Aiša Memišević iz sela Omeragići jučer oko 19 sati teško pretučeni i opljačkani u vlastitom domu.
Naime, kako nam je potrdio Hasan ef. Skorupan supružnicima je u kuću upao maskirani lopov koji ih je vezao selotejp trakom, a potom ih tukao i maltretirao da bi mu otkrili, gdje skrivaju novac. Ispreturao je stvari u prostorijama odakle je ukrao novac, a potom je pobjegao ostavivši ih vezane i nemoćne. “
Ko god moze da donria molim vas pomozite ljudi su ostali bez icega
Medina Besic
Concord, NH