Please Help Family of Xiaohong Chen
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My wife Ms. Xiaohong Chen went shopping around 8 pm on January 16th. Unfortunately, she was involved in a fatal car accident at the intersection of 13th Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue in Dyker Heights. She died of serious injuries after being sent to the hospital.
She has been living in the United States for past 10 years and lived in New York with our 14 year old son while I looked for work out of state. Our family’s main source of income and the primary care taker of our son was my wife, Xiaohong.
Her loss is painful for our family, especially my young son. He had a close relationship with Xiaohong. His education is on hold as he waits for counseling and treatment during this difficult time.
Without her income, we are unable to pay this month's rent and we face additional expenses for burial. I’m unable to leave to find work out of state and must support our son alone. We ask and hope the local community can help get through this difficult time.
我的太太陈小红女士16日晚8时出门买东西,不幸在戴克高地13大道和Bay Ridge Ave十字路口遭遇致命车祸,送医后重伤不治身亡,留下我与14岁的儿子相依为命。10年前,我太太携儿子移民美国与我团聚,家庭主要依赖我在外州从事餐馆杂工维持生计,太太在纽约照顾孩子。随着我日渐年老,找工作越来越难,太太开始在衣厂工作,赚取微薄的工资维持生计。我们这个家庭虽然生活拮据,但坚信依靠自己吃苦耐劳,仍可以谋求生活的出路。
Wei Zhao
Brooklyn, NY