Please Help Find Holly Courtier!
*UPDATED 10-22-20*
We understand many of you have questions regarding Holly’s search and rescue. The below article will address many of those questions:
Holly has suffered from mental health issues in the past and went on her hike not in the best frame of mind. She did not intend to become injured or so weak on her journey. Nor, did she intend for her trip to become a search and rescue effort. If Holly was not found when she was, she would have died.
The intent of Holly’s Go Fund Me has always been to aid the search and recovery efforts as well as post recovery care. In order to provide as much transparency as possible, I am detailing what your donations will be used for:
• Funds will be used to reimburse the family and friend's costs in searching for Holly. (Such as; hotels rooms, equipment purchased to look for Holly, car rentals, and food for search parties. • A separate bank account will be opened up to reimburse these individuals. • A remainder of the donations will be used to cover the medical care applied to Holly during her hospital stay as well as therapy costs moving forward.
We appreciate everyone’s continued support. This fundraiser is, and always was, 100 percent legitimate. However, we acknowledge and respect people’s concerns over the many inaccuracies portrayed by the press and social media regarding Holly’s ordeal. Whomever has concerns about our use of their donation is welcome to request a refund without any objection from the family. You may do so by contacting Go Fund Me and go through their refund process.
Please help by contributing funds in the search for Holly!
My sister, Holly Suzanne Courtier, went missing on October 6, 2020 in Zion National Park. Unfortunately, she had no phone with her, and told no one of her plans. We hope, pray, and believe she is alive! Our family has been desperately searching for her, and we need your help!
We are in immediate need of funds to help cover the costs of her search and possible after care when she is found.
Donations will go towards:
• Supplies to help find Holly (flyers, hiking equipment, binoculars, etc.)
• Lodging expenses for the family while in Zion searching for Holly.
• Hiring of investigators to help find Holly.
• Hiring of additional special search equipment to help find Holly.)
• Medical expenses for Holly when she is found (she has no medical insurance)
Here is the information we have from the US Park Rangers of Zion National Park:
Holly Suzanne Courtier was last seen in the park on October 6, 2020 at about 1:30 p.m.
Courtier was dropped off at the Grotto parking area by a private shuttle, and was scheduled to be picked up at 4:40 p.m. that same day. She did not return for her scheduled pickup.
Courtier is 38 years old, 5'03" tall, and weighs approximately 125 pounds. She has brown hair and blue eyes. Her intended travel plan from the Grotto parking area and her current whereabouts are unknown. An active search for her is underway in Zion National Park, and US Park Rangers are investigating this missing person case with Washington County Sheriff's Office.
Information from other hikers and visitors is often very valuable for missing person investigations. If you may have seen Courtier, if you have information that could help locate her, or if you were in the area of the Grotto on October 6, please contact us. You don't have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know - go.usa.gov/xPd8J