Fremont Community School Seedlings fund
Tax deductible
LET LOVE GROW by supporting the Seedlings Fund. 100% of donations to the Seedlings Fund go directly to supporting our financial aid program.
We encourage you to make a direct and positive difference in the lives of our children. Nature deficit is on the rise, especially for children living in urban areas and even more so for low income families.
The children fortunate enough to attend Fremont Community School experience nature in vivid technicolor. Our delightful, madcap garden, under its canopy of fig trees, allows us to experience the outdoors rain or shine. FCS strives to open our community to children of all financial backgrounds. Gifts come in every size, and today we are asking each of you to give in whichever way you can, be it big or small. Our children are our future.
Thank you in advance for your support of our Financial Aid Seedlings Fund.
Sudeepa Prakash
Seattle, WA
Fremont Community School