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Please Help Fund Greg's Final Expenses

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Hello, we are Greg and Vickie Tull, two "old folks" who found love again later in life. I was 53, and Greg was 59. After a bitter divorce and Greg losing his first love to cancer, we both swore never to remarry. But God had other plans for us. We had worked together for several years and became good friends during that time. Greg loved hunting and often talked about his hunting camp. Every Friday, he would mention he was off to camp, and I playfully teased him, saying I didn't believe it existed. One Friday afternoon in July, he called my bluff and invited me to see it for myself. We picked up BBQ for supper and drove deep into the woods. After what felt like forever on backroads, we arrived at a charming hunting camp house. I was impressed, to say the least. We sat at the kitchen table, ate our BBQ (even though I'm not a big fan), and talked for hours about work, family, football, and Ole Miss. Greg couldn't believe I liked football and Ole Miss. By the time we finished talking, it was late. We cleaned up and headed home, with Greg delivering me safe and sound. That night marked the beginning of our love story. We married in October 2014, excited to enjoy our lives together. We loved going to Ole Miss football games, especially since my daughter was in the band, and we went on several trips with plans for many more.
Around 2018, I started noticing something wasn’t quite right with Greg. He was having trouble walking and maintaining his balance. It took some convincing, but he eventually agreed to see a doctor. In October 2021, we received the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. We took it in stride, believing it would take several years for the symptoms to become severe. However, within a few months, his condition worsened, prompting our neurologist to refer us to a movement disorder specialist. In July 2022, we received the devastating diagnosis of Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), a rare condition that causes gradual damage to nerve cells in the brain, affecting balance, movement, and the autonomic nervous system, which controls basic functions like breathing, digestion, and bladder control. There is no known cure, only treatments to manage the symptoms. By August 2022, Greg began the first of several rounds of inpatient rehab and home health care. We had to undertake an expensive remodel of our house, especially the bathrooms, to make it accessible for him. By April 2023, it was clear that Greg could no longer stay by himself and needed a full-time caregiver while I worked. Qualified caregivers are expensive, (we've paid out over $50k to date for caregivers alone) and our life savings have been depleted.
Unfortunately, Greg, like many men, didn’t plan for final needs earlier in life. When we got together in 2013, he had already undergone two heart stent procedures, making it impossible to obtain life insurance for him. As noted, our savings have been depleted by his care and medical bills, and I have no means to pay for his imminent funeral.
Lastly, we want to Thank You for taking the time to read our story. Please know that any funds received will be used for medical bills and funeral expenses. We deeply appreciate any assistance, no matter how small. God bless each and every one of you who reads our story.


  • Worsham Brothers Worsham
    • $150
    • 2 mos
  • Kelly Parsons
    • $100
    • 2 mos
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 2 mos
  • Cheryl Hurley
    • $100
    • 2 mos
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 2 mos


Vickie Tull
Corinth, MS

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