Please help Irma fight leukemia!
Donation protected
I want to share with all of you about Irma Gerxholli, a 29 year old from Albania. In March 2022, Irma's life changed when she was diagnosed with acute leukemia. Irma is married and has two beautiful girls, ages 5 and 1. At the moment, she is being treated at "Nene Teresa" hospital in Tirana, Albania. However, this
diagnosis requires a specialized treatment that would be best to receive from out of the country. As you can imagine the cost for an out of country treatment will put the family
into financial hardship. If you wish to contribute, any amount would be appreciated. This will be a huge help for Irma and her family during this difficult time. Our hope is that with your help, Irma will overcome this diagnosis, and she will be able to watch her daughters grow up and be in their lives for all their milestones
Thank you in advance, and God Bless you and your families.
Doja the ndaja me ju historine e Irma Gerxholli, 29 vjeç nga Shqiperia. Jeta e saj ndryshoi ne Mars the 2022 ku per fat the keq u diagnostifikua me Leucemi akute. Irma eshte e martuar dhe ka dy vajza 5 dhe 1 vjeç. Momentalisht po kurohet ne Spitalin "Nene Tereza" ne Tirane. Semundja e saj kerkon trajtim me te specializuar jashte vendit dhe kostua sic dihet eshte shume e larte. Kurat qe duhen per kete semundje kerkojne nje kohe te gjate. Kushdo qe ka deshire te ndihmoje me cfardolloj shume eshte i mirepritur. Sado pak per ne eshte ndihme e madhe qe Irma ta kaloje kete veshtiresi dhe the shikoje vajzat e saj te rriten, qe buzeqeshja e kesaj familje the rikthehet serisht.. Zoti ju bekofte ju dhe familjet tuaja!
Kleana Banushi
Brooklyn, NY