Please help Jennifer Brolly get Lyme treatment.
Hi, my name is Simon and I am fundraising for my fiancée Jenny.
Jenny is suffering from Chronic Lyme Disease. She has been very unwell for a number of years as she was not able to access a diagnosis in Ireland. We discovered that German hospitals are very proactive in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease and so we contacted them and Jenny was diagnosed last year.
Jenny is in constant pain and has persistent fatigue, brain fog and chronic inflammation in her organs. Her immune system is at an extremely low point. She also has an incurable condition called Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC) and the Chronic Lyme Disease is making it more difficult to treat this illness. With Lyme Disease treatment, however, she can boost her immune system and be free of so much pain and fatigue. This should significantly increase the effectiveness of the treatment for TSC also.
Unfortunately, the Cross Border Scheme is not available, to Jenny, and so funds are required to allow Jenny to access treatment in Germany. The treatment is a mix of infusions, therapies and stem cell treatment. It is an intense treatment programme, but one that has worked so well for so many people. They now have a new lease of life.
Jenny will be 30 in August and we also have planned to have a small wedding in October. Jenny has endured poor health for most of the last 10 years and this treatment gives us hope that Jenny will be able to look forward and lead a very normal and productive life that is pain and fatigue free. The most exciting prospect, for Jenny, is to be able to return to work.
I will finish off by saying that Jenny is the most amazing lady. Despite feeling so ill, for so long, she always has a smile on her face. She deserves to get so much better.
We would be so grateful if you could help us to fund this treatment in Germany. The treatment is intense and will cost approximately €30,000 and so we really need some help to make it happen. We would be so grateful for your support.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and for your support.