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Being Evicted & Need Help Now Please!

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Hi, my name is Joseph Segal. I am told I'm a good and kind person who is loved and appreciated. That means a lot to me, especially now with my health in serious decline and having just lost my beloved mother Raquel to Alzheimer's disease on March 16th. I was (and am) very close to my mom, emotionally and spiritually connected she and me.
And losing her over two very difficult years to this disease has been brutal tho I'm blessed to have been able to be there for her and with her to say goodbye.

I want to thank everyone who has given to my GoFundMe so far and or shared it on your socials. Your loving kindness, You mean the world to me!

I was watching a CNN story about a wave of evictions across the nation and that night I get a knock at the door by a process server and I am being evicted from my home of 23 years despite paying rent year after year due to a "no-fault eviction" here in Los Angeles California, one of the most costly places to rent and survive. Finding a new place will be immensely difficult and moving 20 years, actually, more of my stuff is a massive challenge too. Still going through my mother's belongings she left with me and it's time-consuming, exhausting, and emotionally painful.

To add to this I am experiencing severe fatigue and difficulty breathing. I wake up exhausted, making my bed, showering, or going up or down the stairs is a struggle. And now I have depression and I am deeply grieving for the recent death of my beloved mother Raquel who I was one of the caretakers for during the most difficult year of her Alzheimers illness (which was emotionally devastating and financially draining to me and my siblings). This is the first birthday in which I couldn't hear her voice, she would always call me to sing me her birthday song Las Mananitas in Spanish and I would thank her for giving birth to me. She was so sweet. She was born and raised in Mexico.

I made this memorial video for and about my beloved mother. I'm struggling with her loss. tremendously.

It's been a deeply painful loss watching her die in this way and then finally die from this horrible disease of Alzheimer's. We must do more in this country to help its victims and help the caretakers! I'm still going through waves of grief along with everything else going on. I know she would want me to be happy so I try to keep going and feel better.

So right now (and I hope and expect my life will get better), I can barely afford groceries, the heat and electricity, and a dozen medicines I have to take to stay alive. And like I mentioned I got a knock at the door with an eviction notice. It's like one body blow after another! Really unbearable. So I'm doing this page to ask for help.

I have increased my request for this fundraiser to $10k so people know I still need help. I originally set it to $3 because I really didn't think people would or would be able to help me even meet that goal due to how hard things are for most of us. If you can give something, anything then THANK YOU!~ If not if you can share this on your social THANK YOU TOO!


I've found moving will cost about $5k, then 1st and last on an apartment likely close to $6k more and I still need to cover rent for the next two months, food, healthcare insurance which is expensive, water and power, car insurance etc.

I have chronic fatigue, chest pains, and difficulty breathing which gets worse every evening to the point I can't catch my breath enough to speak and I can't stay on my feet so working is very difficult and I only have limited hours to work for hire now anyways.

And with everything going on I have a deepening depression. I lack almost the will to go on. I fear every knock at the door. It’s hard to get out of bed physically and emotionally. I try to drive myself forward to do what I can every day, do something more, something to help myself and my brother, my family. But I’m so very tired, weak and depressed. And anxiety, depression, fatigue and hopelessness are a terrible combination.

The doctors said thought something was wrong with my heart that is causing me to have severe fatigue and trouble breathing when I just walk a few steps but a couple days ago I had an angiogram where they put a catheter inside my articles to my heart and found no blockages. This is good as far as not dropping dead suddenly of a heart attack, but I still have a serious health problem that's undiagnosed and untreated which is ruining my life and making it very difficult to live and work and pay my bills.

Your donation will help me pay for food and rent ie my survival while I work on getting back on my feet and continue to try to share positive kindness and helpful books and programs and ideas in the world. Because it's my life mission to advocate for and spread kindness and love.

I need help with money for moving and first and last on a new place to live. If you are able to help I would greatly appreciate whatever you can manage at this difficult time in my life.

By way of a little back story about myself. I am 59 years old. I come from a very loving family. But in my childhood, I endured a great deal of emotional & other abuse that created problems for me that have persisted my entire life. Most are too personal to describe here but many of you I know have lived through similar traumatic abuses.

Consequently, I've spent years learning how to heal myself from trauma after I became aware of its impact on me, difficulty trusting people, persistent inner very harsh criticism of myself, and difficulty dealing with criticism and people yelling, all of this stems from my childhood and early adolescent years.

But I've also learned that I am what some refer to as an empath or very sensitive person. I feel everything very deeply. I love people! I love life, animals and nature, music and art! I deeply desire to help others and especially help others like myself who suffered abuse, bullying and another torment to find relief.

So, I set out to learn about inner growth and this set me on the path to learning about spirituality. I studied with Buddhists and with Native American Shamans and learned about the power of prayer and rituals to heal and connect to the Divine. I've studied mindfulness and found ways to regulate my emotions and I've shared everything I've learned in a new course (18 video lessons!) at My site

But I've fallen on difficult times after the last great recession and really never really recovered from the one in 08 either!

Even so, I spend hours every day doing what I can to share kindness and love and compassion on Twitter and Facebook with as many people as I can! And I've met wonderful people who have said heartwarming things about myself and my work there!

Now I need a little help myself. I am facing a possible eviction as my landlord wants to sell our rental property in a "no fault" eviction to cash in on the property forcing me out in the most unforgiving unaffordable rental market in America while COVID RSV FLU and this brutal Inflation is going on!

I really could use some help. Whatever you can spare would be deeply appreciated and help me continue the work I do online and create courses and other programs to help people heal and do better in life. It will help me pay rent and get started marketing the books I've written and the course I authored which I know will help people!

I hate to ask anyone for help really, but here I am laying my life out for all to see hoping someone can help.

If you can help with $100 I'll set you up with a lifetime access to my course on Kindness and Compassion's power to transform our lives and help us deal with trauma. I think you'll enjoy the video lessons and meditations I have created.

If you want to contribute to my work to heal and share what I learn with others in the same boat, if you want to help me continue my advocacy online for kindness and have some security I won't end up homeless while I look for more work, please share what you can! Everything helps!

Here's a few things people have said about me and my work:

Jayce McMeeken
You're a kind soul Joe
Keep inspiring

Morgan Escherly - Say Yes to Sanity☂
Love you Joe! Continue to be
a fountain of love and wisdom.

Malinda Miller
✨ ... Thank you Joe. I admire your relentless efforts of blasting love and spreading kindness. Keep shining your light.♥️♥️

Michael Dineen
We need more people like you Joe. Very serious.

Verdant Square Network
Rough morning? Spend about 10 minutes with @joesegal
the Minister of Kindness and Wellness. You will feel better. #Loveyourself

Ruth a Johnston raj
Oh Joe, you're definitely a good man. You have no idea how many people you've touched with your warm smile and thoughtful ways. Maybe the children he referred to are God's children. And you've taught lots of us about love and kindness. I'm not a naturally pleasant person like you

Susan Oloier
I read your tweets. I don't often reply to them because I'm not sure what to say. But they add much beauty and kindness to my feed, and I truly appreciate them and you.

Thank you Joe! You are the brightest light that spread love and compassion to the world of ours! May you be abundantly blessed.

Thank you for always being a shining light in these darkest of times.

In my book, you are an incredible human being. Peace and love!

I love you Joe, you make the world a better place one tweet at a time! ❤️‍☺️

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Aww, thanks Joe - and right back atcha'! Thanks for being such a great source of inspiration and for always providing reminders to be kind. I know I certainly need them sometimes - appreciate them, and you, always ♥️

Avra Cadaver Arts
You exude light. We all have a darkness. Some of us just choose to shine.

I see a light in you, filled with compassion.️ Love the positivity that you reach out to others with.

Kylie Riordan
Thank you. My heart is humbled and filled with gratitude. You also inspire me. Your vulnerability and persistence when spreading kindness makes my heart so full of joy and peace. There is goodness in the world, Joe. It is found in you x

Leslie SoCal ☮️
If we are using the definition of radical that you are different from the usual or traditional, yes, but I would never think of you as radical. You push kindness and love all the time. If you are radical, I’m all in! ❤️

Ross Collins
You are very clearly awesome. We need more like you.

Danielle Workman #WhyArePeopleStupid
You are doing a great job, and inspire others to the same - you are making a difference in the world! Thank you for all you do to spread love in the world - Peace and love be with you, Joe ️

The Third Eye
You are a wonderfully strange oasis of goodness on here!
I see your posts peppered in between the hard issue posts on my feed, and it's nice to have yours as a speed bump, of sorts!

Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom. Many people could benefit from this. You have a big heart❤️

Thanks Joe! You’re one of the people who I try to be like and a big influence on me.

Vector Saint
You are an old soul who has had a long journey. During that time you came to the conclusion that the most important thing is to be as kind and loving as possible. You have put a lot of good energy out there and I hope it comes back to you to.

Abort the Supreme Court
You are a gift and I always appreciate your uplifting words and kindness

btw, i don't think i've told you yet that i simply adore you and your tweets. You are an uplifting kind hearted soul that spreads light and love in an otherwise dark and toxic online social media world. much love to year dearest brother and angel of light!!

Marilyn Bush
How beautifully said! Your words resonate. I can honestly say I've met more people who were bullied than those who were not. Thank you for sharing this. I find it deeply touching.

DJ Claussen
For those desperately in need of some positivity on their TL, I suggest giving this man a follow.
He is, without a doubt, one of Twitter's greatest purveyors of hope, kindness, & just basic Humanity. A true light in the darkness & one of the people that keep me sane!
Thanks, Joe!

Balanced Neutrality
You voice is a soothing affirmation to the soul. You words speak to the energy of Source and the Power Within. Many have yet to realize the great unveiling is underway. It is the Light shining on all hidden things so the collective consciousness, as One, can change.

You are so sweet and kind, thank you.

John Fusco
Dear Sir: Thank you for your selfless work in encouraging and inspiring kindness and compassion amongst your fellows. Without these traits we are mere creatures of the edge, protecting only ourselves. I am proud to support you and your message of good will and kindness

You are a wonderful person, a caring son, and an uplifting friend. YOU are good.

Sharing love and gratitude is the most important action we can take.

I see you do this with regularity.

You are the nicest person I know, Joe, I felt the same way at the time, but I had my own parents telling me that I wasn’t worth anything and I would never amount to anything and I was so ugly that no one would ever want me, lol that I’d be a welfare mother of 5

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being you. Thank you for letting all that good stuff out into the world. We need you.

LuLu Smith
You are blessing. You are kind and sensitive, rare qualities these days.

Nancy WeaverWear a mask when you share air.
You are a good guy! Kind, respectful, and decent.We need more, much more, like that, like you.Thank you, Joe.

Ali Wooding
Happy Birthday Joe Enjoy celebrating your beautiful Self, as we appreciate all the wisdom & loving thoughts you share with us each year!

Pure_love8 (Tik tok )
Dear Joe , just the fact that you bring light and love to people allover the world , makes you lovable . You are a messenger of happy thoughts. We all try to make a difference ,and your tweets helps make people feel great everyday. I specially love the Nostalgic Photos .

From the Ground Up
You’re wonderful. I needed that. A lot. Thank you for being a light in a sea of darkness.

Your posts make me happy Joe

Joe, you're one of the most insightful, intelligent folks I know. I'm so blessed to know you my friend.

Thanks Joe_ your energy & wisdom are awesome... every time I run into you I feel lighter & more centered. I can’t emphasize the importance.

Jung at Heart
I love this man. Always positive.

Lori Evangelisto
This is so sweet Joe!! You are an absolute ray of sunshine! I’m so fortunate to have found you and everyone that follows you. We are all One! Inspiring, motivating and supporting each other! It’s a true Godsend!

Gordana Biernat
Thank you Joe!✨✨

Sending waves of appreciation
and light to the I AM in YOU!✨♥️✨

Lisette Root
Blessed Be Joe, I have never seen an unkind tweet from you. A few that really made me think, but truth is not unkind, it is simply truth

Human Capital Spock We/Us
Thank you Joe! And thanks for your great messages of PEACE and LOVE! ✌

Nyn Psychic Wars SpecOps⌛️ they/them⚧️
Thank you most kindly for your support! And also for what you shared, as it reminded me how important this is, to become part of the flow of humanity and lovingkindness. Life is so much more beautiful in this way... ️

How sweet. Sending you and wishing you health and happiness and everything good. It's special people like you, that keep me motivated to keep fighting for justice for all of us.

Jujubee SUPPORTS the SQUAD - NOT the establishment
Twitter needs more people like you tweeting positive things/ideas. Personally, I don't care how many likes my tweets get. I'm not keeping score. (Maybe I'm missing the point of twitter, but again, I don't care.)

We Need Policies, Not Meaningless Platitudes
Success is when you make one person smile or lighten their worries. You are very successful every day.

Just Beth
1. Wholesome
2. Compassionate
3. Uplifting

Your posts are like a timeline cleanse from all the chaos and I appreciate it so so much!

Vonnie We Are All Siblings
This is my wonderful friend, Joe Segal. He is a consistent voice for compassion and kindness.

Noemi Sparks
. Thanks for sharing love and kindness in the Twittersphere <3

John (J.E.W.L.) ♒☧
I Love it! You are beaming with compassion, empathy... pure Love! You've got a purely Loving aura about/around you! Keep up the great work, Joe! Much Love, My Friend!☺️

Mystical Susan
You always remind me of what is most important, Joe. Kindness! I appreciate you!

I love all of these people and so many more!
I want to continue the work I do.
It would help me have some security and peace of mind if I could receive a little help.

I love you so very much and thank you for reading this and maybe sharing it with others.

Love always,
Joseph Segal



  • Anónimo
    • $60 
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  • Barbara Rosenthal
    • $30 
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  • Jenya Cassidy
    • $10 
    • 2 mos
  • cristina pucelli
    • $100 
    • 2 mos


Joseph Segal
Los Angeles, CA

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