Please Help Joe Tatro with Medical Expenses
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Dear Friends & Family,
Please join me, Debbie Cahill (aka Christina/Big Red), in helping a dear friend as he deals with his “Out-of-Pocket” expenses resulting from his most recent health adventure! Joe Tatro is that friend! As long as I have known Joe, he has always been the first one to volunteer to help others in need. He would never ask anyone for help, so I’m asking for him. The physical and emotional ordeal he is still trying to recover from began Friday the 13th of this past January, 2023. It all began with a broken ankle and multiple pre-existing health issues followed by numerous, serious complications resulting in delays in care and recovery. His health insurance was also unfairly discontinued. So let’s help out our favorite “Diehard Biker” guy through GoFundMe!
This is Joe’s Story Timeline:
• "Jan. 13: Twisted Lt. ankle resulting in fibula fracture/deltoid ligament damage/dislocation. Transported to ER by ambulance, and discharged per the attending physician with crutches, without checking whether I could successfully use them. However, due to a prior injury on the foot/knee/hip, unable to walk with crutches or climb the 3 flights of stairs at home. Immediately returned to ER via ambulance, and was admitted.
• Jan. 16: I had surgery to repair Lt. ankle.
• Jan. 17: First PT evaluation. Non-weight bearing on Lt. foot.
• Jan. 19: To a rehab facility (1st. time) and had another PT evaluation. Still non-weight bearing.
• Jan 20: To ER with severe pain, extreme vomiting, and elevated BP. Diagnosed with kidney stones.
• Jan. 22: To OR for laser treatment of kidney stones.
• Jan. 23: Once again reevaluated for PT. Still non-weight bearing.
• Jan 25: Returned to the same rehab, (2nd time) to again be reevaluated for PT. Non-weight bearing.
• Jan 27: Back to ER due to abnormal kidney functions & bloody urine and admitted.
• Jan 30: Back to the same rehab, (3rd time) to again be re-evaluated for PT. Non-weight bearing. However, developed gout in the right knee, unable to do PT due to gout pain.
• Feb.6: First office visit with an orthopedic surgeon. Boot ordered. Told to use the boot for at least 6 weeks, and gradually increase weight bearing per provided schedule.
• Feb.11: It took almost a week before the boot arrived. That same day we were told I was being discharged because no improvement with rehabilitation, so United Healthcare denied any further payments. Never taking into account the multiple hospital/rehab admissions which prevented most PT treatment from even getting many full sessions. Every readmission started therapy all over with an initial reevaluation before beginning actual PT sessions.
• Feb. 12: Discharged to a Board & Care facility, (AKA - The Hell Hole!) this cost $4000/month out of pocket since health insurance was terminated.
• Feb. 22: Removal of the stent from the urethra, post laser treatment of kidney stones at the urologist’s office. (Stent removal tool malfunctioned and I had to wait on the table until the doctor retrieved a replacement.)
• Feb 27: Left board & care facility. (We convinced the PT tech to practice using stairs at home. Once inside and upstairs, I refused to return to the facility.) Additional information: Since I was only at the Board & Care facility for 15 days, rather than the full month, we were expecting a substantial refund, however, they charged a large fee for moving out early. So the refund we did receive was extremely small compared to the time I spent at the facility.
• Additionally, we had to buy the boot, a walker, and several other personal healthcare necessities."
Please share Joe’s story. Thank you!
Organizer and beneficiary
Christina Cahill
Winterville, NC

Joseph Tatro