Please help Kristie and Daniel Lent
Donation protected
I’m Mary Murray, a member of the Twitter community known as #Uglydogs. We are a family of caring individuals who met online while following mushers Blair Braverman and Quince Mountain. Following their example of kindness, we try to help others, and now two of our own Kristie and Daniel Lent need our assistance.
Some of you follow Kristie and Dan on Twitter or Facebook, they both are champions for accessibility and supporters of helping others. You may remember that Kristie was Miss Wheelchair Alaska and her run for Miss Wheelchair USA on the theme of accessibility. You may know Dan from his extremely dry sense of humor, his IT stories and his devotion to Kristie.
Recently Dan fell ill with what was diagnosed as a MRSA infection. If you know anything about MRSA you know it’s a serious and opportunistic infection. Dan is getting good care but has been having some ups and downs. The current situation is serious. He will need open heart surgery to repair a mitral valve damaged by the infection. He may need to have surgery on his spleen as well.
I asked Kristie what I could do to help and offered to set up this GoFundMe when I learned she had financial concerns. As you can imagine, she’s been busy caring for Dan. I have not had her review my descriptions, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Kristie needs to bring family members to Alaska to support her. She needs some work done on her van so she’s more mobile, and some help with the house. She needs to be able to stay closer to the hospital, and she obviously doesn’t know what the hospital bill will be like.
We appreciate any help you can give. Please share, whether or not you are able to give. I know that like me, Kristie believes in prayer, as well as sending love and good will, please send all you can!
Mary Murray
San Juan Bautista, CA