Please help maire and her family
Hi, i am doing this go fund to help
Maire o Rourke and her family.
On the early hours on the 17th of jan at 1.30 am.
Maire and her family home caught fire.
The did'nt manage to save anything from the fire.
They have lost everything they ever had and are now left with nothing at all.
As someone who has went through this exact same thing and to be left with nothing only the clothes on my back, I was forever grateful for all that helped me in my time of need.
So i want to try help maire and her family in any way i can.
So i set up this go fund me to try help the get back on there feet to get whatever they may need as they literally have nothing at all.
A life of special keep sakes and memories gone just like that.
My heart is broken for them all.
Its your worst nightmare to lose everything you ever had
So please if you can help in any way possible please do i no maire would appericate any help she gets
Thank you ❤️