Please help Mane Lukic’s recovery
Nas Mane Lukic je doziveo tesku saobracajnu nesrecu sa nazalost povredama koje su mu ugrozile zivot ! Povrede su takve prirode da ce biti potreban dug period za oporavak i uz Boziju pomoc i Manetovu snagu nadamo se uspesan!
Molimo vas da ako ste u mogucnosti ucestvujete doniranjem ili da podelite ovaj link za troskove lecenja i porodice!
Unapred zahvalna porodica i prijatelji !
Our dear Mane Lukic had accident with devastating injuries and he is on the road for long recovery ! With the Gods help and Mane’s fighting spirit we hope he will overcome it !
Please donate or share this fundraiser for recovery and family expenses!
God bless you all ,
Family and friends!