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Hi folks; since you’re at this site I’m hoping you’ll take a few minutes to read a quick testimonial to explain why we built it, and maybe donate something to help us out with our problem. The picture you see is my friend Manna, her husband DJ, and their two daughters, Marlie and Harlow. Like many people, Manna and DJ both work full time jobs, and work hard to give their daughters a joyful childhood, and raise them to be happy, healthy, decent, productive people. They share the normal chores that so many of us take on as moms and dads; they juggle taking their girls to school, Girl Scouts, judo, jujitsu, church, birthday parties and many other functions. They work hard to keep their house a home, repairing and replacing more than their fair share of busted water heaters, dishwashers, refrigerators, and the accompanying flooding that came with these hassles (yes — they really did have all three appliances die within a two week period, and flood their home). But before that, back in July, at the age of 39, Manna was diagnosed with stage three triple negative breast cancer. Here is a link for anyone interested in a detailed description of this type cancer,, but if your time is short, the headlines are that it’s fairly rare, more likely to come back after treatment than other types of breast cancer, and survival rates are lower for triple negative breast cancer than for other types of cancer. Through it all, Manna has just kept being Manna. She’s still the life of the party, she still always has a smile for her friends and family, and she’s still a joy to be around (You can get to know her better at But her friends know she’s scared and beat down and frankly — hurting for cash. Cancer treatments and the subsequent exhaustion take time away from work that costs considerable wages and may ultimately even cost her her job. Although much of her treatment is covered with insurance, not all recommended treatments are covered, and to be confident that she’s giving herself the best survival odds, she gets additional treatments beyond what her health insurance covers. As Manna’s friends we feel somewhat powerless as we watch cancer pack it’s nasty punch. But if we can raise at least $50,000, maybe we can keep Manna’s family out of bankruptcy, and maybe make her cancer experience a bit less grueling and painful. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and please consider donating, to help us with our cause.
Bernie Schwartz
Lowell, AR