Please help me to afford life saving therapy
Donation protected
UPDATE 28th April 2024.
* I had my muscle biopsies which came back abnormal in May 2023 They have now diagnosed me with Vaccine induced myopathy, plus/minus Myotonic Dystrophy, I am still awaiting genetic blood tests results to rule out Myotonic Dystrophy. I am awaiting any possible more information regarding the Myopathy with gene mutation blood tests.
The biopsies also showed my own immune system is attacking something in my blood vessels and muscle.
* I got another opinion but the Neurologist said there isn't any treatments for the muscle disease(s), I had a Nerve Conduction Study/EMG which showed I now have moderate to severe demyelination of my nerves in my legs. I had another NCS but they were unable to do the EMG part in December, which showed myopathy but no demyelination, the Doctors are questioning if the previous NCS was erroneous. Locally the Neurologists have said im not eligible for IVIG as i don't have a licensed condition for it. They have submitted a Independent Patient Request form to NHS England for its use but have said due to the cost of this resource and they will say their isn't enough published evidence NHS England will highly unlikely authorise its use for me (its been used frequently for severe vaccine injury in many countries with success, their is plenty of published evidence for its use in long covid and covid induced conditions).
I have seen two haematologists, one suggested IVIG and if i had been able to have that and or plasmapheresis immediately when i fell Ill i would be less likely to be in this mess.
I had an Invasive Coronary angiogram in March to test a few things on my heart and another Cardiac MRI. It showed some bits and i was diagnosed with Microvascular Angina. The Cardiologist doesn't think that fully explains the severity of my symptoms and suspects there could be a auto immune/inflammatory component to my cardiac symptoms'.
*I am now more independent again around the home and on very good days able to get out independently to hospital appointments.
While any real treatment to stop this or appetite to understand what these vaccines have done to people like me or research/ investigation has been very inadequate to say the least on the NHS which is highly upsetting considering they promoted and continue to promote these vaccines with no understanding or service to help people when it goes wrong.
* I am extremely grateful for every single donation and will keep everybody updated, God Bless everyone that has helped me
Hi, my name is Adam; I am a father of four severely injured by the AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine as Diagnosed by Medical Professionals.
I was previously fit and well and was lucky enough to have worked in my dream career as a Physiotherapist in Professional Sport.
Currently, I feel like I am dying. I have lost my ability to work, lost my home, and it has traumatised and split my family due to the strain. I am mainly Housebound and rely on my mother, my carer, for my daily needs.
Over the last 3years, my life has been destroyed by this Vaccine.
It is tough to beg and ask for money to help pay for private medical investigations and treatments, as my only income is State Benefits. Currently, there is a backlog of upto a number of years to process a claim to the Vaccine damage payment scheme, and I don’t have that time.
If I can get treatment, I hope one day that I can be well enough to take my grandson to the park, walk my dog, work again, or serve others in some capacity.
My hell began after the first vaccine. I developed neurological symptoms (Vertigo, Brain fog, memory recall issues, severe insomnia, non-epileptic fits, central sleep apnea, palpitations), which were repeatedly misdiagnosed as Anxiety and Panic disorder. This led me to have the second vaccine that immediately caused a heart condition called Ventricular Tachycardia which resulted in me being admitted to the Acute Coronary Care Unit at my local hospital.
Sadly, it was still not recognised that the Vaccine had caused this, and my health continued to go downhill. I then developed Tinnitus, Blurred Vision, loss of peripheral vision to the left, sensitivity to light, Face Rashes, jaundice, liver pain, frequent ectopics, Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia, Unstable blood pressure, moments of extreme dizziness and passing out.
I went back to my doctor, who knew I was very poorly. He suggested I go to A & E, and he referred me to an Endocrinology consultant who wasn’t very sympathetic. Various blood tests came back as abnormal over these months but it didn’t fit any diseases, they knew so I was dismissed.
I continued to go downhill while my neurological symptoms were getting much worse, I suffered cold hands & feet, my toe nails died, whole body muscle spasms and fasciculations, severe muscle wasting, weakness and weight loss, Pins and needles in my hands and feet, autonomic nervous system dysregulation, laryngeal spasms, Severe acid reflux, stomach pain.
My doctor suggested I see a neurologist, the waiting list on the NHS was that long I had to pay privately to see one. I have had tests done that didn’t help that much and was followed up on the NHS where the Consultant acknowledged my symptoms were likely caused by the vaccine and gave me a SFN diagnosis, but this couldn’t explain all my symptoms.
Christmas came, and I could not participate in celebrations or family events; by this time, I was housebound. I developed severe pains in my calves where I could not even lie in bed or sit down for too long, with minimal relief by walking around the house. It was so bad that I had to go to A & E three times, where I was given the strongest pain relief. They referred me to a neurologist. By now, I had bilateral finger contractions with severe pain in my fingers and hands. I was diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel, bilateral dupuytren's contracture, Small fibre neuropathy, Bilateral Ulnar neuropathy, SFN of my legs. They also did some blood tests that showed I was at high risk of blood clotting but sadly, the results were lost in the system and not reported to me at this time.
Another month or so went by and now I was breathless at rest; I collapsed on 28th May 2022. I was taken to hospital and although they initially tried to diagnose it as anxiety, I insisted that they scan me. There I was initially diagnosed with 3 Pulmonary Embolisms in my lungs, large areas of non-perfusion, and lots of small embolisms. Then they subsequently put my severe chest pain down to pericarditis. I was in hospital for over a month and I got no better. They discharged me even though I was no better and I required full-time care. My health didn’t improve and I ended up back in the hospital again, but again I wasn’t getting better.
I then paid again for two private opinions with a highly regarded Cardiologist and respiratory consultant at the national heart and lung hospital. After reviewing my notes, scans and history, they advised me they were concerned about me and admitted me for another month in hospital for further testing. I was diagnosed after extensive testing with myopathy. They have told me I need muscle biopsies for further investigation, which could explain some problems found with my lung function and my other extensive problems. Currently, I am still in severe chest pain, struggle with my breathing, have all the neurological problems and housebound. I struggle with most activities of daily living, and I am limited in what I can do for myself. For instance, I am unable to fill out forms or type other than for very brief periods, which cause me significant pain. I have been told the biopsies I need aren’t done very often on the NHS, and there is a current minimum 18mth waiting list at the hospital that does them locally to me. I am told steroids and immunosuppressant drugs are the likely NHS treatment that is available to me which would hopefully slow down the progression of the disease. However, the Consultants aren’t willing to prescribe them to me as it could dampen down the inflammation in my body so much that I could get a false negative on the biopsies.
I am currently on several other medications for my heart and blood clots and pay for many natural supplements in my quest to improve my health. I have already used my savings as having spent approx £5000 so far. I am awaiting an NHS appointment next year with a haematologist who understands Covid Related Blood clotting problems.
I have spent nearly four months in and out of hospital this year alone.
My health continues to deteriorate and I feel I have been let down by many medical professionals and the NHS. No one gave me informed consent or warned me that the vaccine could cause the medical conditions I am experiencing. The Government won't acknowledge the vaccine injured even though I ‘did the right thing’ as they asked us to do. You don’t expect when it all goes wrong, that they won't have a clue what to do, that there won't be a care pathway for you and that you will be gaslighted, dismissed and be abandoned. The NHS doesn’t fund potentially life-saving treatments, such as Help apheresis, plasmapheresis, IVG and medications they are available to vaccine injured in other countries. They are being withheld due to politics as vaccine injury isn’t being recognised by our UK government.
In the meantime, my health continues to deteriorate. Please, I would be extremely grateful if you would consider any donation towards the tests I need and towards treatments.
I will continue to tell my story and journey on Twitter @oneadds as long as I’m physically able in the hope this can help as many vaccine injured as possible.
So far I have been diagnosed with:
Pericarditis, Microvascular Angina,Multi system inflammatory syndrome, 3 Pulmonary Embolisms in my lungs, 3 areas of non perfusing lung, hundreds of small emboli, A Blood Clotting Disorder, SFN, Neuropathy in my hands, Dupuytrens, Myopathy, Severe Thrombolitic Vasclilitis, Widespread Vascular Neuropathy, Demyelination in my legs.
Adam Rowland