Please help me with breast cancer medical bills
Donation protected
Hi! I'm Kayla, a 29-year-old Colorado resident, linguist, and bluegrass enthusiast.
During the summer of 2021, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Between August 2021 and March 2022, I have undergone a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer care. I will not be fully done with medical treatments for the next five years, but this initial short timespan of treatments has made it difficult to handle medical bills.
While I have sought, as much as I could, to continue work hours during treatment, even full-time I do not receive a high income. Two calendar years of high medical bills with reduced work hours are beyond my means of payment. Currently, my remaining balance is over $7,000. I've never asked for help from others before, but I would be extremely grateful for prayers and support during this unexpectedly rough patch of life. It means a ton to me. Thank you. <3
You can also reach me through PayPal. It's "kaylastearns" through gmail.
You can also reach me through PayPal. It's "kaylastearns" through gmail.
Kayla Stearns
Lafayette, CO