Please Help (micro-preemie) Baby Avery 1lb medical
Serving as a combat medic in the Army, that was hard. Working as a nurse during the pandemic, that was hard. Having a high-risk pregnancy during the pandemic due to exposure, placenta infection, shortened cervix and having to deliver at 6 months is the hardest thing I have ever experienced.
My son, only child, was born 02/22/21 at 24 weeks, weighing 1pound and 11ounces. He is my miracle child & a fighter. He has reoccurring pneumonia that almost killed him. He currently has a hole (opening) in his heart and is requiring surgery at the University of Minnesota Hospital.
Mom had to stop working after exposure to Covid at 3 months. Please help parents out with medical expenses & supplies for Avery; Baby Avery goes through daily X-ray, blood gases and echocardiogram. His blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen level are all over the place. He is currently on ventilator & a PICC line. He has a long 4 months of procedures and recovering in the Maple Grove NICU.
We greatly appreciate your support!!!!