Please Help Muamera Djip
Donation protected
Zovem se Muamera Djip, rodjena sam 27.06.1982.god u Višegradu. U ratu sam ostala bez svog babe i kuće u kojoj sam rodjena. Danas živim u Hadzicima kod Sarajeva sa majkom koja ima 75 godina, ima tri sestre. Kucu smo napravile uz pomoć dobrih ljudi i prijatelja. Same smo se uvijek borile kroz život a prije 6 godina ja sam i oboljela. Bolujem od opake bolesti Multiplaskleroze, to je bolest koja kažu nema lijeka, ali postoje terapije koje usporavaju njeno napredovanje. Ako se ne liječi tim terapijama posljedice su potpuna invalidnost i sljepilo.
Terapije - injekcije Copaxone 40mg koje ja dajem sama sebi svaki drugi dan a koje nabavljam uz pomoć dobrih ljudi, koštaju 1.700 bosanskih maraka - kutija za mjesec dana plus tablete i vitamini koje sama moram plaćati tako da moje liječenje na mjesečnom nivou iznosi oko 2.000 bosanskih maraka, što meni moja majka i sestre nemogu obezbjediti. Doktori kažu da dok budem primala te terapije bolest će biti pod kontrolom.
Sve ove godine se borim uz pomoć dobrih ljudi. Šest puta sam ležala u bolnici, a posljednji put sam ležala prije dva mjeseca, u avgustu ove godine zbog pogoršanja bolesti. Prije par dana sam bila na kontroli, stanje i dalje pogorsano i doktor kaze da opet moram na proljeće u bolnicu. 4 puta sam radila magnetnu rezonancu i punkciju kičme koju moram raditi opet kad legnem u bolnicu. Imam jake bolove u mišićima, teško hodam, nemogu nigdje sama, nemogu nikakve poslove da obavljam, nesmijem sama da se kupam niti bilo šta bez pomoći svoje sestre.
Ja sam i INVALID 90% II grupa i imam invalidnine 238 BAM.
Obratila sam se mojoj dragoj gospodji Ameli Alagić koja je uz mene i upoznata je sa mojom borbom i zamolila sam je ako moze da mi otvori kako bi mi dobri ljudi pomogli da prikupim sredstva za svoje terapije.
Pa vas ovim putem pozivam ako ste u mogućnosti da mi pomognete za moje liječenje.
My name is Muamera Djip, I was born on June 27, 1982, in Visegrad. During the war, I was left without my grandmother and the house where I was born. Today I live in Hadzici near Sarajevo with my mother, who is 75 years old and has three sisters. We made the house with the help of good people and friends. We have always fought alone through life and 6 years ago I got sick.
I suffer from the vicious disease Multiple Sclerosis, it is a disease that they say there is no cure, but there are therapies that slow down its progression. If left untreated with these therapies the consequences are complete disability and blindness.
Therapies - Copaxone 40mg injections that I give myself every other day and that I get with the help of good people, cost 1,700 Bosnian marks ($1030 USD) - a box for a month plus pills and vitamins that I have to pay for so that my treatment is about 2,000 Bosnian marks ($1210 USD) a month, which my mother and sisters cannot provide for me. Doctors say that while I am receiving these therapies, the disease will be under control.
All these years I have been fighting with the help of good people. I was hospitalized six times, and the last time I was hospitalized was two months ago, in August of this year due to worsening illness. A few days ago I was under control, the condition is still worse and the doctor says I have to go to the hospital again in the spring. 4 times I did an MRI and a spine puncture which I have to do again when I go to the hospital. I have severe muscle aches, I have difficulty walking, I can't go anywhere alone, I can't do any work, I can't bathe alone or anything without my sister's help.
I turned to my dear friend Mrs. Amela Alagić who is with me and is familiar with my struggle and I asked her if she could start a gofundme for me so that good people could help me raise funds for my therapies. So I call you this way if you are able to help me with my treatment.
Zovem se Muamera Djip, rodjena sam 27.06.1982.god u Višegradu. U ratu sam ostala bez svog babe i kuće u kojoj sam rodjena. Danas živim u Hadzicima kod Sarajeva sa majkom koja ima 75 godina, ima tri sestre. Kucu smo napravile uz pomoć dobrih ljudi i prijatelja. Same smo se uvijek borile kroz život a prije 6 godina ja sam i oboljela. Bolujem od opake bolesti Multiplaskleroze, to je bolest koja kažu nema lijeka, ali postoje terapije koje usporavaju njeno napredovanje. Ako se ne liječi tim terapijama posljedice su potpuna invalidnost i sljepilo.
Terapije - injekcije Copaxone 40mg koje ja dajem sama sebi svaki drugi dan a koje nabavljam uz pomoć dobrih ljudi, koštaju 1.700 bosanskih maraka - kutija za mjesec dana plus tablete i vitamini koje sama moram plaćati tako da moje liječenje na mjesečnom nivou iznosi oko 2.000 bosanskih maraka, što meni moja majka i sestre nemogu obezbjediti. Doktori kažu da dok budem primala te terapije bolest će biti pod kontrolom.
Sve ove godine se borim uz pomoć dobrih ljudi. Šest puta sam ležala u bolnici, a posljednji put sam ležala prije dva mjeseca, u avgustu ove godine zbog pogoršanja bolesti. Prije par dana sam bila na kontroli, stanje i dalje pogorsano i doktor kaze da opet moram na proljeće u bolnicu. 4 puta sam radila magnetnu rezonancu i punkciju kičme koju moram raditi opet kad legnem u bolnicu. Imam jake bolove u mišićima, teško hodam, nemogu nigdje sama, nemogu nikakve poslove da obavljam, nesmijem sama da se kupam niti bilo šta bez pomoći svoje sestre.
Ja sam i INVALID 90% II grupa i imam invalidnine 238 BAM.
Obratila sam se mojoj dragoj gospodji Ameli Alagić koja je uz mene i upoznata je sa mojom borbom i zamolila sam je ako moze da mi otvori kako bi mi dobri ljudi pomogli da prikupim sredstva za svoje terapije.
Pa vas ovim putem pozivam ako ste u mogućnosti da mi pomognete za moje liječenje.
My name is Muamera Djip, I was born on June 27, 1982, in Visegrad. During the war, I was left without my grandmother and the house where I was born. Today I live in Hadzici near Sarajevo with my mother, who is 75 years old and has three sisters. We made the house with the help of good people and friends. We have always fought alone through life and 6 years ago I got sick.
I suffer from the vicious disease Multiple Sclerosis, it is a disease that they say there is no cure, but there are therapies that slow down its progression. If left untreated with these therapies the consequences are complete disability and blindness.
Therapies - Copaxone 40mg injections that I give myself every other day and that I get with the help of good people, cost 1,700 Bosnian marks ($1030 USD) - a box for a month plus pills and vitamins that I have to pay for so that my treatment is about 2,000 Bosnian marks ($1210 USD) a month, which my mother and sisters cannot provide for me. Doctors say that while I am receiving these therapies, the disease will be under control.
All these years I have been fighting with the help of good people. I was hospitalized six times, and the last time I was hospitalized was two months ago, in August of this year due to worsening illness. A few days ago I was under control, the condition is still worse and the doctor says I have to go to the hospital again in the spring. 4 times I did an MRI and a spine puncture which I have to do again when I go to the hospital. I have severe muscle aches, I have difficulty walking, I can't go anywhere alone, I can't do any work, I can't bathe alone or anything without my sister's help.
I turned to my dear friend Mrs. Amela Alagić who is with me and is familiar with my struggle and I asked her if she could start a gofundme for me so that good people could help me raise funds for my therapies. So I call you this way if you are able to help me with my treatment.
Amela Alagic
Skokie, IL