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Please help our baby Dominic to restore his brain

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On May 2nd 2019 our precious 9 months old baby Dominic fell in the pool. God didn't leave us and brought our baby back to life but his brain didn't have oxygen for too long and now it has 40-60% damage.  He was not responsive,  didn't move, didn't blink or follow objects, was very stiff. He got a tracheostomy in his little throat and a feeding tube in his belly.. We spent 8 weeks in PICU because  of being on ventilator he got pneumonia again and again. Me and my husband didn't leave our beautiful baby for a minute being next to him all the time, every day asking God to heal him completely... After he was discharged from the hospital we started Hyperbaric oxygen therapy  which is not covered under insurance and we saw some progress already!  He got more relaxed, he is not neurostorming, he sleeps better and sometimes he closes his eyes all the way when he is sleeping, he moves his hands more and got very sensitive to any touch. We finished 40 dives of oxygen therapy and now we have to take a break for a month so we can start to do again.. But we are running out of our finances.. Also we started to do MNRI therapy what helps him to regain his basic reflexes like blinking, hearing,  vision, swallowing etc. It's expensive and we need at least 2 sessions per week which will  be around $2000 per month and we need to do this therapy especially when Dominic's brain is healing the most actively which is first 2 years. We know we will get our son back, but it's going to take so many prayers,  faith and a huge amount of fundraising because insurance doesn't cover any of life saving therapies we know will help Dominic! We also know God guides, he provides and brought all you to our Army! Dominic was very advanced, happy and strong baby...  We are doing everything to get him back! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help us as much as you can to get our precious baby Dominic back! God sees your kindness and bless your heart!


Inna Gonzalez
Walnut, CA

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