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Please Help My Dear Brothers Family

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Hello, my name is Esteban, and I have created this GoFundMe to tell you about my older brother, Alex Marquez. Alex had always been my role model, someone I wanted to grow up to be, and someone I will forever look up to. Essentially, he meant everything to me and during his short-time on this earth, he helped so many and now it’s time for us to help him through his family.

Can you help?

Alex’s life, as well as ours, was changed forever on October 12th, 2018 in Cave Creek, Arizona, just north of Phoenix. He suffered a grave accident involving an industrial, beer-brewing machine. In a matter of seconds, his healthy body suffered severe second and mostly third degree burns to 80% of his body, meaning the burns surpassed the epidermis, damaging his deeper tissues and nerves. Our oldest brother and I witnessed, helplessly, as a large amount of boiling liquid and enormous, thick clouds of unforgiving steam doused him from head to toe. It was an unfortunate accident that no one could have ever anticipated. Our only option was to act as fast as possible and rush him to the local burn center. Due to the severity of his injuries, Alex was airlifted to Maricopa Burn Center. Alex was in critical care for 13 days, went through several surgical procedures, and fought for his life until his body could no longer take the suffering. Alex, my dear brother, passed away on October 25, 2018. 

Photo: Day of accident. Alex (left), Carlos (middle), Me (right)

This accident is truly a seismic tragedy for our entire family. We have come together to console, pray, and support each other as best we can. However, only time can help us heal from losing our most beloved Alex. In the meantime, I hope that through this GoFundMe page I can tell you who Alex was and, perhaps, give you a reason to help his wife and daughter that were left behind.

Alex was a loving husband to his wife, Mari, and a loving and devoted father to his beautiful one-year old daughter, Mila. Family was always a priority to him throughout his life. Alex had been through a lot in his childhood and had faced these tribulations head-on with great determination and faith. This allowed him to willfully get through it all. For 7 years, he had a wonderful career at GoDaddy as a Windows Platform Engineer with great success in working his way up the ladder. His strong work ethic and sense of community were only surpassed by his gregarious laugh and unfiltered sense of humor. As an Army Veteran, Alex was one of the very first to serve in Baghdad after 9/11. His stay was cut short due to a medical disability and was given an Honorable Discharge. Alex transitioned back to civilian life, all while quietly dealing with ongoing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He never pursued his full military disability entitlements, as he was simply proud to have served his country that he honored so much. This shouts volumes about my brother’s autonomous, “I can do it on my own“ character. As his younger brother, I admired that about him with great adoration. I will forever try to follow in his footsteps, with hopes that my son will too.  

Mari, his wife, also had a very rough life growing up. She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in addition to other medical issues. Learning the cost of all the medications she would need to sustain her for the rest of her life, she worked multiple jobs while pursuing her education. In 2012, Mari was employed by USAA, in which she was able to continue her career in insurance. She had tremendous work ethic and moved quickly up the corporate ladder, receiving promotions and managing multiple teams of employees. Of course, that was not easy, but she handled every situation with great poise. Never had I met someone so ethical, dedicated, and determined as Mari. You would think that someone with such a rough life and upbringing would lack the ability or desire to be as loving and caring as she is, but she has so much of herself to give. These qualities, along with many more characteristics that Mari possesses, are beyond courageous and admirable.

Mari entered Alex’s life in February of 2015, bringing joy to my dear brother that he so truly deserved. FINALLY! He had met “the one.” She stole all of our hearts and became a true sister to my wife and I. I had never seen another two people so in love and in sync. They married on November 28th, 2015, during an intimate ceremony in Sedona, AZ. Alex wrote his own vows that were so beautifully written and sincerely honored till his last day. Their marriage was such a fairy-tale. There was never a dull moment, with endless laughter and genuine happiness all around. I can confidently say that those years they spent together were truly the best years of my brother’s life. Mari gave my brother the greatest gifts he ever wanted: unconditional love, quirky romance, and a beautiful daughter.

Throughout her life, there seemed to be odds against Mari, but her strong will allowed her to push through and persevere no matter what came her way. Just months before her dear husband’s passing, her father, who she very close to, was defeated in his battle with cancer and passed away on June 9, 2018. As a family, we witnessed that rough and painful time and supported Mari while she solely planned and arranged her father’s services. Comforting her as much as possible, Mari painfully grieved the loss of her father. To our dismay, we continue to be at her side as she greatly agonizes over the loss of her dear husband just 4 months later. 

Not too long before Alex’s tragic accident, he and his wife made a very important and tough decision. With much thought, deliberation, and fear of the unknown, they decided that Mari leave her career so she could attend her medical needs, leaving Alex to be the sole provider for his family. As selfless as Alex was, he wanted to ensure that Mari could give their baby girl the unparalleled love and education that no other caregiver could ever provide. What a blessing this was! Mari was finally able to hang up her career heels and strap on her momma Crocs. Never expecting anything like this to ever happen, in the blink of an eye Mari is now without a job, a father, and, most importantly, a husband to provide for her and her daughter. The medical bills alone have caused huge financial stress. To give you an idea, the helicopter that transported Alex has been billed at $35,000, none of which is covered by Alex’s medical insurance. With hopeful wishes, you will be able to help ease this financial struggle that has now been burdened upon Mari. We try not to dwell on the question “Why Alex?;” rather, we must trust that God never puts obstacles before us that we cannot overcome. I cannot begin to describe the amount of stress this has caused Mari, the family, and those who loved Alex tremendously.  

Alex and Mari have never been the type of people to ask for help. In fact, they have always been nothing but givers, donating their time and money to others, graciously remaining generous yet humble. However, we know Mari cannot manage this alone. She is planning on pulling herself up by her bootstraps to enter the workforce once again. Although fully capable to hold down her own, the hardship of losing her father and her husband while raising a baby is beyond imaginable for anyone. We need help in doing what we can to eliminate Mari’s huge monetary burden. At this time, it is important for Mari and Mila to focus on healing, and with your help this can alleviate some of the stress. If you find it in your heart to pray for him, please do so. If you feel you are in a position to help him financially, it would be most appreciated. Either a penny or a prayer, or even both, will go a very long way. We know God holds Alex and all of us in the palm of His hand, and we ask that you find it in your heart to give anything you can. Please remember our Brother, Husband, Father, and Son, Alex Adrian Marquez. 

From the bottom of our hearts and with our sincerest gratitude, we thank you.



  • Lori Coffinger
    • $25
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Esteban Marquez
Phoenix, AZ
Marisela Marquez

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