Please help Penny recover
My name is Nadine and my best girl is in need of help. Her name is Penny, she's my 6 year old Jack Russell mix. On Sunday, January 15th she was viciously mauled by two Pit Bulls. My daughter heard her cries and my first reaction was to run to her. It was the most horrific sight anyone could see between dogs. One dog had her dangling by her jaw and the other repeatedly bit her back legs and torso. In the midst of the attack, I did the best I could to save my dog and in doing so I was bit as well. Three puncture wounds on my right leg, a bite on my arm and tons of scrapes on both knees down to my ankles. I've stretched my last dollar keeping her alive. She has multiple puncture wounds; the skin around her throat was completely ripped off and her left ulna was broken. The first emergency room doctor described her body as "swiss cheese". We have a long road ahead but the doctor is optimistic that she will recover, in time. I have lived my life trying the be the best person possible and in doing so I am hoping out of the kindness of the hearts of others, we will find the help we so desperately need. Thank you for taking the time to read our story. Your help is very much appreciated.