Please help Peaches!
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UPDATE: Just want to update you on Ms. Peaches who is alive and growing stronger by the day. She’s gaining weight and the vet is looking into enucleating what’s left of the right eye. She’s still fighting the stubborn URI that took her brothers. They’ve put her on a bunch of different antibiotics and antivirals, and at this point we hope she can grow out of it. Since her sense of smell is so poor she isn’t exactly using the litter box, but we’re working on it.
She’s a feisty one though!
Really sad update, Pappardelle passed last night at 2:50am from pneumonia.
Run Free Sweet Pappardelle!! :( :(
Peaches is all alone in this world and we need to do everything we can to save her and her left eye. The vet has already decided the right eye has ruptured and will need to be removed at time of spay.
Peaches and Pappardelle were brought into this world with the odds stacked against them. Born into a hoarding situation, their mother Pepita was already sick from a virus. This was passed down to their litter and 2 of their siblings died within a week. Pepita did not produce enough milk, and soon they were being tube/syringe fed by their foster to make sure they could gain weight and get the nutritional support needed for survival.
Unfortunately both of them have different presentations of the URI (upper respiratory infection). Peaches has active infections in both eyes and is at risk for losing them, even though she’s been on several topical and oral antibiotics. Pappardelle was looking good until he started sneezing and presented with difficulty breathing. While he appeared healthy outwardly, pneumonia had been brewing in his round little body...which is a difficult condition for a kitten to beat.
UPDATE: “Peaches will eventually lose one or both eyes due to the severity of her infection”...
The vet is guarded about their outlook, but very glad they’re both fighters who have made it to almost 4 weeks! These two have shown nothing but love, playfulness, and voracity despite not being able to see/breath.
Please help us prepare these mini-kittens for a long haul of vet visits, diagnostics, treatments, and possibly eye surgery.
She’s a feisty one though!
Really sad update, Pappardelle passed last night at 2:50am from pneumonia.
Run Free Sweet Pappardelle!! :( :(
Peaches is all alone in this world and we need to do everything we can to save her and her left eye. The vet has already decided the right eye has ruptured and will need to be removed at time of spay.
Peaches and Pappardelle were brought into this world with the odds stacked against them. Born into a hoarding situation, their mother Pepita was already sick from a virus. This was passed down to their litter and 2 of their siblings died within a week. Pepita did not produce enough milk, and soon they were being tube/syringe fed by their foster to make sure they could gain weight and get the nutritional support needed for survival.
Unfortunately both of them have different presentations of the URI (upper respiratory infection). Peaches has active infections in both eyes and is at risk for losing them, even though she’s been on several topical and oral antibiotics. Pappardelle was looking good until he started sneezing and presented with difficulty breathing. While he appeared healthy outwardly, pneumonia had been brewing in his round little body...which is a difficult condition for a kitten to beat.
UPDATE: “Peaches will eventually lose one or both eyes due to the severity of her infection”...
The vet is guarded about their outlook, but very glad they’re both fighters who have made it to almost 4 weeks! These two have shown nothing but love, playfulness, and voracity despite not being able to see/breath.
Please help us prepare these mini-kittens for a long haul of vet visits, diagnostics, treatments, and possibly eye surgery.
Kitty Connection Medford, MA
Medford, MA
Kitty Connection