Please help Pete beat Cancer, Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Hi, my name is Theresa and I'm fundraising for my Brother-In-Law Peter who lives in Southern Illinois and is 51 years old. In April 2021, Pete discovered unusual lumps under his left arm but thought they were just fatty deposits. Within a week, he was in a tremendous amount of pain and discovered that the lumps were getting bigger, he also found additional lumps on his right side, shoulders and neck. He went to the Dr. immediately who sent him straight to the hospital. Upon multiple tests and scans, Pete has been diagnosed with a very aggressive Mantle Cell Lymphoma, he will have a Pet Scan next Tuesday which will help determine what stage the cancer is in. They are telling us that within the next week, he will need to go into a Cancer treatment hospital 3 hours from his home for intense inpatient radiation treatment for at least a month before additional scans will be done to see if any progress is being made. Since we all know Pete, he's going in full force (the only way he knows how) relying on a team of professionals in Missouri to try and save his life. While he thankfully has been granted Medicaid insurance after not being able to work due to the cancer, it won't nearly cover all the medical bills and expenses for Peter and his wife, my sister Tammy that are expected to reach thousands of dollars.
Over the years, Peter has always gone out of his way to help others, no request was too big or small. He has always been counted on to get any job done and has done it selfishly without any expectations. Pete has always stepped up and helped my family or anyone who needed help!! Pete is a Husband, Son, Father and Grandfather who has always put his needs second to anyone! Now is the time where he needs everyone's help and support. The amount of medical bills and travel accommodations are becoming overwhelming very quickly for Pete and his wife. I ask you to please consider helping Pete beat cancer by first, praying and secondly donating to this man and his wife. No amount is too big or small. 100% of the donations will be used to pay his medical bills and travel expenses for the cancer treatment.